You sound so worried. Can’t win without exploiting or?
I agree, they should’ve just enabled people to queue as a full raid instead of the arbitrary 5-man limit. Any limitation to premades has shown over the years in retail to only enable the exploitation for some and has never worked out well for the social design either.
But this 5-man limit is better than the arbitrary 1-man limit that we’ve been stuck with at least.
So isn’t this good for alliance . People who want rep and just play some games don’t have to worry as much of a team who is all afk
No. That’s false.
If you lose games of av or don’t win in under 10 mins, spamming 7 min win wsg is the superior honor option
The only reason AV is better is if you get premade that can win every game in 8 mins
premade vs premde do not last 7 mins in wsg, AB is good premade vs premade honor farming.
That is if you can win each wsg in 7 min which is very unlikely
someone is gonna play premade vs pugs, rankers are not pvpers.
They perfectly understand the meta, and how it breaks the game for a whole bunch of people (basically everyone, both alliance/horde) thats outside of the premade. The only people who lose with this are the terribad keyboardturning heroes that are plenty in those higher ranked av premades, they wont be able to reach higher ranks or even maintain it after this, cus your personal skill matters WAY more than in av afk drekrush with 20mages, those who who were good, got to know other good players aswell from these premades or even before, will have ZERO problems even now.
TLDR: Baddies not gettin higher, good players will still get higher
kokotina, i was near rank 9 with solo ques, and last weeks doing wsg only, bad players can take ranks too, bad players can kill warlords too (killed one today :D)
Yeah well, after these changes alliance titles might even mean something (Props to you tho for gettin 9 with solo)
I would definitely have not touched av as alliance if i was playing solo
i am not going AV, maybe 5 man group for kill faming :D, but wsg will be full of premades, so BG pvp is over for me atm.
Hold on, arent you from this nolife guild progress that people are talking about? You and that apes crap created these problems to begin with. Go back to your private servers where you can play mafia.
I’m thinking you know very little of Progress outside your bias’ but anyway people doing the rank grind are going to do what they need to do, it’s not the people at the extremes fault.
Are you honestly surprised at the hypocrisy and double standards?
there is currently only 1 good WSG premade on horde side in EU, and 2 semi-decent.
Idk, AV meta has allowed us to stack tons of melee in br1/2. With WSG Meta that will be more challenging, and some might not even be able to find a premade, so it will hurt more than just baddies.
not really
Yeah, wsg premades still can work with 1 rogue and 2 warrs, so ye, no more melee stacking, but there will be spots, and thats the point, higher ranks are not for everyone, and should not be handed out for pve rushing drek/van.
I don’t think you will see any change on ally side atleast in terms of who’s ranking. It will be the same people…
=))) ahha ok
Reroll or quit