So you picked totally awful players

For the community council you really want your game dead i Suppose.

We want awc players


Gratz on joining the council. :+1:


In the past Blizzard did have an invite-only VIP forum for pro PvPers.

It didn’t work out very well.

Partly because some of them - whilst very good at playing the game - weren’t very good at expressing themselves in writing in a constructive and mature manner.

And some of them used the forum mostly as content for their YouTube channels and such, to tell their followers what was happening “behind the curtain”.

And some were downright trolling and spamming and behaving as if it was a joke and of no importance to them.

So it wasn’t very successful. Quite the disaster in fact.

So yeah, it’s been tried.

I think if there’s a lesson Blizzard have hopefully learned, then it is that the best players don’t necessarily constitute the best forum posters.


No, they can stay there.

I lol’d… a lot :smiley:


is the op in the council then?

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Exactly my thoughts.


I still dont quite believe im actually agreeing with you for once, Jito - the previous iteration of it was indeed a total disaster, went down quicker than Jenna Jameson if i remember correctly


Awful devs picked awful players, looks pretty fair, no reason to complain.


is there a list ?


Wasn’t aware that I applied for it lol


On the US forums, Daestra


I was not aware myself, it is what it is.

They should have totally invited small crayon anon user number 25.

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im horrible with abbreviations whats awc players?

it’s like ABC, just that they don’t know the alphabet.


Think the AWC is the arena tournament, basically pro PVP

What you crying about? The whole council is a sham anyway. A Band-Aid over a gaping wound. Won’t stop the blood from pouring out but hey at least they did something. This is the same, these players will not have any real power, they’ll just be nod-alongs that are meant to put our mind at ease that our interests as players are being secured by these people. And when nothing is gonna be different, they’ll point out that now there’s a council and that we SHOULD be pleased with the things they give us.

Pretty much. I’ll have to partially agree with Jito though since there are some high end PvP’ers that i doubt can provide constructive feedback in a manner that doesn’t come across as rude. Then there are others who definitely can give it in a proper manner but some of those may have been discouraged from the previous attempt with an inv only discord server.

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My best guess - based on Pro(fessional) PvP - would be Arena World Championship players.

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Still can not find a list :frowning: