So you picked totally awful players

Arena rating


I had 18 once back in Cataclysm. Is that good enough?

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Definitely world champion material in the making.


Who is this “we” you speak of? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to see a more representative demographic. Of course, any set selected by Blizzard cannot be representative of the playerbase, but still, I’d expect to see 50 members who are currently unsubbed, 25 who are subbed but hardly ever engage in M+, raids or arena, one Mythic raider, one Gladiator, maybe 2 KSMs.

I disagree. People like Suppatease and Venruki express their opinions very well.
Even Stoopz possibly.

So did Preach, Bellular, Asmongold etc. All these people explain very well why they suggest things that they suggest.

Random players with nonsense suggestion like switching covenants inside arena dont contribute anything.
Huge issues are ignored and instead there is given feedback for something people don’t want that much and are not asking for.
It’d even cause problem since the time in arena preparation is limited and already changing talents, pvp talents and conduits might take a lot of time. As well as casting demon + soulwell as Warlock.

This attempt at Community council feels like a way how to apologize themselves for ignoring feedback.
When they purposefully pick players giving bad feedback or suggesting minor things that are not very relevant, so they can avoid popular and needed feedback.

Nobody there represents me.


If its “popular” then said feedback would be brought up by one council member eventually.

And that asmongold got ignored for the council is in every sense of the word not surprising.

Well I’d say let’s see where this turns.

Would it?
Or maybe the councillor doesn’t care.

If it wouldnt then its not that “popular” to begin with.

? Something being popular doesn’t mean that everybody likes it.

And quite honestly some points brought up are points that are extremely unpopular and people wouldn’t like that.
Like switching covenants in arena.

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I didn’t say that.
I said that the forum they had constructed suffered because some of them weren’t very good at expressing themselves in writing in a constructive and mature manner.

A few bad apples spoiled the bunch, so to speak. Quite a few, but not all.

As far as a forum goes where the intention is feedback and discussion between participants, I would say that good contribution comes from those who can express their thoughts in a constructive and respectful manner. And I say that based on their previous unsuccessful attempts at similar venues.

But ultimately it’s really for Blizzard to determine what kind of feedback and discussion that is of value to them on these types of forums, and then try to facilitate that as best as they can with the participants they choose to invite.
It’s not for players to dictate. Neither you or I are designers at Blizzard, so on what authority can we claim to know what is of value to a designer at Blizzard? It’s probably best to leave that to the actual designers to decide.
And it seems in this case that Blizzard wants a forum where feedback and discussion is dissected through contributions from a wide range of different player perspectives and backgrounds – a broad representation of the playerbase, if you will.
And that selection is their prerogative to choose.

No. But the odds for something “popular” given the definition not being shared by at least a single member is incredibly low.

Its a QoL change. However that something for the PvPers to discuss.

Its not really a QoL change; its a ‘classes that benefit from multiple strong covenants can countercomp’ change. You may almost as well let dps spec change


And there’s the problem.

“Minor” to whom?

“Not very relevant” to whom?

“Popular”? Nobody knows what’s popular. People know what the people around them say. Sometimes there is a consensus among the forum/MMO-C/Reddit crowd, but that represents maybe 10% of the playerbase at most.

It is a real problem.

Take one tiny area: I could fairly be called an expert on pet battling. I’m a mod on the Discord, I monitor all the comments on Xu-Fu’s, and respond to many that seem to need a response. I know all the regulars. I couldn’t tell you what the majority of pet collectors and battlers want, what they like and dislike. I could fairly present some of the differences of opinion among the regulars, and I could back up the cases with data, but that’s about it. “The regulars” are all very capable and very knowledgeable - and they don’t represent the opinions of th majority.

So far it seems quite fine.

I mean, currently the practicality of a suggestion on the council forum seems to be that other players pick up on it and discuss it…elsewhere! Like here!

So it just spurs more discussion on a subject that has been brought up on the council forum.

And that seems great, from a feedback perspective.

Rather than Blizzard having to pitch the subjects and everyone discussing Blizzard’s designs and ideas and Ion’s answers and what not, now players are discussing ideas and suggestions by other players.
From a feedback perspective, that’s better for Blizzard.

It all still seems like a powder keg waiting to blow up, but so far it seems fine. Chill even.

I’d not say so. Discussion between random people isn’t contributing much.

I would too. But the discussion suffers if you randomly silence people.

Well it’s people on the internet. By some definition they’re always going to be random.
They do share the fact that they play World of Warcraft and wish to discuss and share their thoughts on the game. And that seems to be the whole point of the exercise. So if the participants have been genuine in their motivations for joining and follow through in a constructive and respectful manner, I don’t see why Blizzard shouldn’t get what they aim to get out of it. Whether that’s what you or I or others want out of it, that’s a different matter entirely.

I think it’s fair to question the need for a special forum to listen to select people when there already is a general forum where everyone can be listened to.

But that aside, I don’t really need to have the ear of the king, so to speak. And I don’t think it’s healthy for one’s enjoyment of the game to want it either. I think people sort of go crazy on their desire to be listened to versus just playing the game and talking about it with likeminded people and leaving it at that.
And I’m saying that as someone who has had the ear of the king, a little bit, for a little while.

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Is there even 1 r1 Player in the council for pvp or no.
