So you picked totally awful players

I think you don’t even grasp the issue perceived by players. You portray it as if they’re trying to drag the game to fit what they like.
The fact is the game itself is being dragged away from what it used to be and what players enjoyed.
And players try to warn developers.
That’s stuff like borrowed powers that players over and over express they hate. So they try to be-listened to, before the game is made unplayable for them as it’s too far from what they enjoy. And it’s getting further and further to which point players enjoy it less and less and for some players it crossed the boundary and they left the game.

It’s randomly selected subset.
You’re not random if you can participate.

Those applies for people on forum. Not on WoW council.

I am not so arrogant to claim that I do, no.

I have said no such thing. I have said that – in my opinion – people tend to obsess too much about whether or not Blizzard listens to them, which I don’t think is a healthy focus for anyone’s enjoyment of the game. It is too driven by negative emotions.

I’ve always found that the people who just play the game whilst being blissfully ignorant and unaware of everything that surrounds it, they tend to be the players who enjoy themselves the most.

Yes, and their emotions are fueled by negative changes. And they want them to stop and instead for positive changes to occur.

I’ve always found that most of these people left, because game got bad.

And it is my opinion that players are better off distancing themselves from that whole process rather than indulging in it.

In 17 years I have yet to see anyone come out of it better than when they went into it.

Is that your assessment of the people who just play the game? To me the people who just play the game are the people who just enjoy the game.

I find that holds true for most games.

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Because they for the whole time mostly ignored feedback.
So basically they tried what you propose, to leave players playing and do what they want.
It’s not working, apparently. At least not now.


Which proves what I said.

For who?

The people who just log into the game and play it without a worry or care about anything else, they’ll enjoy the game for as long as it’s enjoyable. And once it’s no longer enjoyable, then they’ll quit and move on.

That’s perfectly normal and a healthy approach to games.

I’m playing Kingdom Rush Vengeance right now. I don’t engage in any community related to the game. I don’t care about the developers and I have nothing to say to them either.
I just play the game and enjoy it. And when the time comes where it’s no longer enjoyable, then I’ll stop playing it and move on to something else.
That’s pure 100% game enjoyment as it’s served best.

The people who stick around beyond the point where a game is no longer enjoyable – because they think they can get the developers to make various changes so it gets enjoyable again – they’re gluttons for misery. And as I said before, then I have yet to see anyone come out of that process better than when they went into it.
It does not strike me as a healthy approach to games.

Which was what? That people who just play WoW will eventually stop enjoying it, and then they’ll quit playing?

How is that a bad outcome?

To me it seems like the ideal video game experience. You play the game, enjoy it whilst you do, and stop playing when you no longer enjoy it.

That seems far preferable to being invested in a game you no longer enjoy, because of a feeble hope that the developers might listen to your pleas and make changes so you may enjoy it again.
Like I said, then nothing good ever seems to come out of that.

We’re all going to quit WoW at some point. It seems preferable to quit it in a laid-back and chill approach like anything else, as opposed to quit whilst screaming and complaining to Blizzard and feeling ignored and betrayed and what not. That’s just a miserable way to depart a video game experience that’s supposed to be a happy experience and memory.

But that’s just me.

Yes and that part “as long as it’s enjoyable” is getting tighter.

If you believe so, don’t even comment here, if it’s unhealthy. I disagree.

Never said it is.

that’s what they’re doing since forever

Well whenever you no longer enjoy it and you quit, then you can hopefully look back on the experience you had with fondness and good memories.

What more can you ask for?

My point was not that you shouldn’t engage with the community and talk about WoW with like-minded players. I think a lot of players gain a lot of enjoyment from that – myself included.

I’m just saying that trying to engage with Blizzard and get them to listen to you and have them make the changes you want, that’s a futile endeavor that doesn’t lead to anything good. To my awareness, then no one has gone down that path and come out the better for it.

The better approach, in my experience, is to just play the game and talk about it in a chilled and laid-back manner with like-minded players. And once it stops being enjoyable, then you quit. And if you get the urge to play again, then you can always come back.
That seems like the ideal approach to WoW, to me.

You suggested that it’s somehow a tragedy that many players have quit WoW.

But why is it that?

Many players have also quit playing Super Mario Bros. over the years. But if people had fun playing the game for the time they did, then great! Then they’ll move on to other games and hopefully get other enjoyable game experiences.

Why is it somehow bad if players stop playing WoW and move on to another game?

I’ll apply for the Council next year and save PvP don’t worry.

For now let the challenger gods talk to themselves :smirk:

In the interests of transparency…I have not been invited to join the Community Council.

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council forum already looks like a joke. most topics about pvp and the meaningless average joe talk. not even blizzard cares about


What did people except ? That those schmucks would change the state of the game we are in for a good laugh again !

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I’ll turn the entire Council forum into a PvP forum if it means they’ll end up fixing blatant game design issues.

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agreed very much

There is no list. There is a forum on the NA site and that’s it.

At best you can read through the introduce yourself topic but that’s still no guarantee that everyone invited will have taken part.

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Here is my suggestion how they should have Done it for pvp/pve

Pick 1 high rataed Player for each class Not biased.

Pick 5 casual Pvpers.
Pick 5 high mythic dungeon and Raiders.

Pick 5 casual Raider.

Boom u have a council and Not rnd ppl.

You’re a bad troll.

Why im trolling ? Im srs

Because nobody can be this stupid.

It’s a COMMUNITY Council, not ‘‘High End Raiders/PvPers’’ Council.

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