Social aspect gone

So there are quests you don’t NEED any help but maybe others do need (eg elite quests, assaults etc)
WHY don’t the players that can solo them ever create groups? help others? faster questing with 2 ppl etc- it’s stupid and selfish imo…
this happens as soon as someone gears up, before you see them making groups and asking help…but they never help in return

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Because not everyone who can solo content are supposed to hold your hands?
Make groups with people on your own level, gear, whatever but don’t expect people to carry you.


mr multiboxer why are you commenting here?


People don’t even help you when they see you dying to mobs as they are walking by. People don’t even wait when someone is watching a cutscene in a dungeon, they don’t even wait for the healer to take a mana drink. It’s all about being fast yourself.
Best to find someone you know that you can play with. You can’t depend on random strangers in this community. I would never play this game if I was playing on my own.


This is because…

Old School Gamer… “Lets group up and see if there’s anyone else wants to do this quest”

Todays WoW player… “I must kill this WQ boss fast before anyone else has a chance to get a hit in”


what does multiboxing have to do with this? you are expecting people to carry you for free, i am simply questioning and calling you out for it.
Again, group up with people on your own level and you will have your social aspect.


you don’t need to form a group to help people anymore with the updated tagging. I usually jump on an elite hoping some horde will help me nuke it down quick.


FOR REAL…some non elite random mob and this :clown_face: was bursting using BL on it…im surpised didnt prepot

Old school chivalry might be rare in this day and age, but I still play by that code.

I will help someone struggling, heal random strangers and buff them if I can. Actually that’s why I miss Mark of the Wild and Thorns. I miss being able to give out some random love to a fellow adventurer.

Heck I even used Rebirth on a random ally who was low ilevel but and died on a rare in Uldum. I didn’t need his help, but it seemed like the honourable thing to do.


quest objectives dont complete unless in group
weaker players/alts cant fly/etc do it much slower

what you gain from grouping up: time (as that other person will tag/mobs/objectives) , spreading good vibes

what you lose from grouping: nothing

you play on your own, this thread is irelevant to you

questing together=carrying someone

yes you are


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Sometimes i do, sometimes i play with others, stop assuming.

Your post was about people who are geared up, can solo content you can’t - not helping you. That is carrying.


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Anyone can solo world quests. /shoo and welcome to ignore


I am going to get so much hate for this, but it’s just my personal opinion and I know others will have their own opinions, but to me Blizzard killed the social aspects in the game with the systems they put in place. First cross realm/sharding, I was on Draenor since Wrath, knew a lot of people on the realm and people behaved better because they found it harder to find groups if they got a bad reputation. Also Mythic+ has encouraged the ‘speed’ now it’s always how quick you can do things.


So stop complaining if you can solo stuff?
or make your own group :clown_face:

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its not 2004 anymore. times have changed. PEOPLE have changed.

dont blame the platform. blame the players who use it. the platform adapt to the players.
when i was a kid in the 90s i had a computer but i mostly played outside and knocked on my bff door without invite. literally everyone was outside.
today ? the streets are empty. instead we have social media. kids think streamers are their friends. that wasnt the same life as in 2004.

even classic doesnt have that experience, and it has the same platform as it had in 2004.
in my opinion, it all starts there.


we literally have a pandemic going on
where i live, kids and other people still use the park, daily (not this year tho)
This is nothing more than a “back in my day” post


Yes you’re not entirely wrong. We are losing our communities and moving into pods and silos like something from Wall-E

Also I agree that a lot of the community was lost when everything went cross realm.
The devs of the time mindlessly made everything xrealm enabled, without thinking about the effects on the community.

So instead of meeting a player and thinking he’s cool and forming a guild and a community, you bump into strangers who you will never see again.

But you’re right, the online community is changing from 2004, unfortunately not always for the better. But sometimes it’s adapting to this new reality. I’m not sure we always make the best use of community groups, etc.
I created one for M+ but it never had the same connection with people as I used to.

I’ve just been in a guild of RL friends and family for a long time now.

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that has literally nothing to do with my post.


You mentioned the streets being empty, i wonder why that is the case these days. Or you are living in a dead place. I could go to any city in my country any summer and parks , streets would be filled with people.

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you are clearly arguing with me for the sake of the argument.
the facts are facts. i did not invent what im saying, this isnt news or reminisce. this is simply 2020 modern society.