Social aspect gone

But you didn’t say any facts, you just simply said “back in my day”.

Some streams for some people are amazing. Does it have a negative side to it? Sure

Social media is great for some people, for example to keep in contact with their loved ones who moved countries. Does it have a negative side to it? Sure

Going out with friends for a drink is also great but it also has a negative side to it, there is a chance you get into trouble, etc. i could go on forever with examples.

You are simply hating on new things millions enjoy.

I know many people who hang out with friends or relatives then when they get home they watch some streams or hop onto social media to look up things they like.


Forcing people to group up isn’t a great experience. Like you create a situations where those quests become impossible outside of peak time.

This is an aspect that I and many others’ do not miss from classic.

+add: Besides, I enjoy the freedom the current systems have. I go at my own pace and group when I choose. Not when the game is forcing me.


Personally, I don’t want to do levelling or most questing with others, I want to enjoy my chill content with myself at my own pace and do whatever and go wherever I want when I want. It doesn’t matter if I need to go back and forth between the game and whatever needs doing at home. No one is waiting for me, I’m not feeling rushed or like I’m inconveniencing anyone.

No one gets to dictate to others how they enjoy their time spent in the game. I hate the whirlwind tours and nukefest that is levelling with others. The odd group quest here and there you can shout out to others or simply wait for someone to come along. Tags are shared.

There is a huge amount of group content in the game without infringing on every little part of it. Raiding, Dungeons, Mythic Plus, Battlegrounds, Assaults, Island Expeditions etc etc.

Some people like to do stuff in groups and that’s great, they will team up with random strangers and get to know them or they will level with friends.

If people need help, first and foremost I would advise them to communicate. Ask for help in general chat, ask in guild, ask in communities, ask on discord, or even simply /w a friend.


This character, my main, has difficulty solo’ing some of the elite WQ mobs now… :frowning:

I couldn’t have said it better. I do the same and I’m also old school. I miss this so much in this game :slight_smile:


I’m guilty of this when Horde is waiting for the same spawn as me and I suspect them to be semi-afk after a minute of waiting, I usually pop everything I have including drums and consumables to burn the questmob down as quickly as possible before they tag it. :smiley:

for example elite quest, i can burst down the mob in less than 30 sec, yet i click the stupid button>create group and invite anyone who joins…

as soon as mob dies they leave…and i see them down the road in the next world quest…1000iq

i am a hunter i have tracking on i simple attack every red dot on minimap maximase my loot per hour :rofl:

I do. But 99% of the times a simple “thank you” is a bit too much for those people.

if im in a pickle and someone saves me (happened 2 times in bfa) i do a /lick /kiss ;p

Saved someone yesterday too when I was levelling a new alt. He did say thank you, which felt good. But really, I saved quite a few people by healing them and/or kill the mobs, but like I said, almost never they have the decency to say “Thank you”.

You know what helps? Making friends and actually talking to people nicely instead of just expecting everyone to carry you. Just because you help someone doesn’t automatically mean they have to help you too.


i saved like 7 peoples yesterday becourse i wanted the loot from the mods aswell …

Find the right guild, I do social stuff/ story stuff with my guild. When I use LFD/ LFR I know what to expect. Lowlives who shout at you when you make a mistake or slack for a second. Limit it, best approach.

I always do this on my DK.
Sometimes when there is a random corpse on the road I ress it. half the time it’s actually someone who had just died.

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imo, if others need help they should speak up. if i can solo stuff i am not going to ask every single person around me if they need help.
if someone asks and i got time im more than happy to help out but im not going to be intrusive. maybe people dont want my help and whatnot, im just not comfortable with that.

what i do though is that i give the occasional heal to someone i see is struggling with an elite/rare although i dont need it and then move on.

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A lot of things have changed with the social aspect, but I don’t know if the players/games are to blame or if it just is me who can’t keep up with how it is today.

I like to help too when I come across others:

Sometimes it end up in us questing for a while.
Sometimes I get a thank you and a small talk.

But I often experince other players don’t want the help, they do what ever they can possible for me to not interupt and help and if I pisses them of, I have fantastic show of words at me - I sometimes stand in a long time before I decide to help.

And if your help fail (both ends up dead), I rarely experince someone talks to afterwords - no even a “try again?”, just leaving.

But but but - It could be just me who hasn’t followed the time in how to play and communicate in this :woman_shrugging:

u put on party sync when ur in party all mods turns to level 50 and drops level 50 loot !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I am playing all the time with my friends that i like it that i can do open world stuff alone.

i do that too. more often than not they are quite surprised they got a ress. :rofl: like…the confusion is tangible.