Social aspect gone

on my BM hunter i can easly solo any world boss i dont need any Group meny time i see a horde group ready up to pull boss i just run in haveing my pet to pull boss and they are to rush in to get the kill :stuck_out_tongue:

One reason I love playing my disc priest is that I can help heal random people who are struggling with elite mobs and I can buff people while waiting for a mob to spawn. I’ve found that very often people will say thanks, do a nice emote or give you a buff in return. It’s a small thing, sure, but it makes me happy to connect with people.

I just hope that Shadowlands world content is not designed like the 8.3 zones where you compete with fellow players for objectives. That type of design imo does not encourage you to group and work together but instead encourages animosity and makes you dislike all other players.

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Why would anyone be angry at that?
Just wait and see what happens and swoop in at the 5% hp left. You still get full credit, but don’t die half way the fight

Wait, a paladin who can’t solo stuff? Isn’t that a trolling post?

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get better glasses dear ;s

Which part should I be looking at? The parts where you insult anyone who disagrees with you?

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the whole topic flew over your myopic trolling.
here is tldr

ppl dont group and quest slower solo than in groups because rush culture

There you go again, insulting people who disagree with you, and being condescending too.

With your attitude I’m not surprised people won’t group with you.

I don’t expect anything from the people in this game and I play with friends, as I said.
Why it is suddenly “carrying” to wait for someone watching a cutscene or drinking mana in a dungeon I don’t understand. But I guess that’s exactly the attitude I meant, so many people in this game see others as rivals or even enemies, cooperative play is looked down upon as charity.
Doesn’t help that with boosting services, everything in game has a price tag now, be it leveling, earning reputation, doing dungeons or raids and for many it feels like giving something away for free when they help others.

i was with 2 level 120 paladins in ICC they bouth got 1 shooted by Lich king i loled so hard back then … they did not know about the lich king knock back abilty fell to their deaths :rofl:

i alweys wondered how a paladin can join necrolord or venthyr coven in SL make no sence ever :stuck_out_tongue:
Lore wise the serve only the light noting els …

since when did lore matter to activision? blood elves in horde, zandalari paladins, etc

Ah this thread again, not like i haven’t seen that one 1000+ times.

You have this experience in current wow because of LFD, LFR. Anyone who tells you otherwise did not play the game long enough before wotlk.

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i was against crz since start. lfg/lfr from same realm would be fine imo

well if u want to see the social side of wow u have to play on a RP server there is the only servers what has social interactions :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh your right i forgot that one to. CRZ Bs has also had an effect alot on the social side of the game.

theres a difference between ‘‘social’’ and that kind of ‘‘social’’ ;p no thx

Lovely for people like me who love playing games solo, terrible for people who enjoy meeting people in games. Both should be a valid option

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so they have to add AIs to LFR/LFG so peoples can solo dungons with AIs dont need to interact with peoples ?

I mean no offence, but then why are you even playing an MMO? you people don’t help making the MMO aspect come back to this game either imho.

ur forgeting wow is a online MMO not a single player game so u will deal with other players no mather what …