SOD hunter vs shaman

So ive been able to counter play every class in sod, even spriests i can win 1v1 if i play the counter correctly,

but against shaman? it seems they have an answer for everything i throw in their direction, let me break down my thoughts:

before i say anything shamans are extremely tanky so nuking just isnt an option

my first thought is maintaining distance, with a either concussive shot if under pressure or frost trap,
instantly the shaman has 2 totems for both those abilities, Grounding totem which redirects my concussive shot + orc racial and decoy totem which grants immunity to impairing effects making trap useless for 10 seconds,

my second thought process is to viper sting the shaman to try to drain the mana and apply pressure for the long game, however they have shamanist rage, reducing all dmg by 20% regenerating mana, they can also cleanse viper so that isn’t viable,

Another ability that counters me maintaining distance is frost shock, instant cast and ranged ability, paired with Earthbind totem, at this point if i havent already shift to cheetah theyre on top of me,

I can do the classic scatter > freezing trap straight from the start, which can be easily handled by the shaman if they have trinket up and also orc racial, at that point my trap is now on CD, if the shaman is troll or tauren i’ll more than likely start with this to begin my counter,

Once the shaman has made it into my dead zone, using those same totems and other abilities, its game over,

now while all this is going on, they have incredible damage, from range and in melee, and i really have no good dmg reduction abilities,

Everything ive said so far is from a scenario where ive " seen " the shaman before theyve closed the distance, but in a BG, i dont have 360 degrees of view, so if they run up behind me its already over, or theyve mounted while im on foot,

Again, i have counter plays for all classes in sod except shamans, so what can i do?

it seems the dev’s have a created a class far far superior to the rest.

“my class beats 8/9 classes, but i think its unfair that i can’t 9/9, therefore buff my class”.


Thats not what im saying at all, my class doesn’t wipe the floor of 8/9 classes and struggle’s with the the last,

i have to put the work in and figured out counters, which I’ve done,

ive not come onto the forums and started screaming for shaman nerfs, I’ve stated the counters ive tried and they’ve failed, so what else is there to try,

or is there no counter hunter vs shaman, are they so over-tuned? is hunter just not meant to counter shaman? and if hunter isn’t able to, how many other classes or struggle to deal with them,

if youre not going to offer any constructive feed back then were done here.

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you wont get any good constructive feed back or words of value from that guy,

i tried to debate him the other day, he talks and acts like a fool, a complete troll, literally almost 1000 comments of nothing, anyone that visits the forum knows this or finds out eventually.


Skill issue.

I assume youre also a shaman main, and also unable to explain why shaman isnt over tuned and that there are many ways of countering a shaman,

Ah good, i got the answers i came for, the shaman class just god tier.

hahah all trolls are shaman mains

Try to use Immo trap at the start to proc lock and load and save frost trap for latter .
You can put some points into traps. If you are low on range , you are at disadvantage.
I assume you are BM spec and 50? . BM has intimidation.

Hmm thats interesting,

I guess baiting the decoy totem with an offence trap does make sense, then once the totem is down i can auto attack it quickly, and then throw down a frost trap,

Then saving my LnL for 2 chimera instead of concussive.

WoW PvP is like a game of rock-paper-scissors. Some classes will beat your class no matter what you do. I am not saying shamans are OK, I am just saying that traditionally even the best PvP specs over the history of WoW often have been hard countered by some other specific class/spec. You are not supposed to have a toolkit to beat literally everyone

Last time i was on bgs my fire traps couldnt down the totems.
I dont remember it being like this. Probably they were fixing something else and broke this.
It may be fine outside of bgs. Lock and load procs anyway.

I just did: skill issue.

Shivette is a troll, Not more

They made traps not usable in combat in p4 and buffed shaman even more so u have to reroll am afraid

Aoe spells cant kill totems, never have

Incorrect, balancing issue.

Huh ? Traps are still usable in combat

“i can’t beat the meanie shaman, and when people give me advice how to do it the advice is wrong and they are trolling me”

“what do you mean ‘cleanse the flame shock’?”
“what do you mean ‘just use a silence’?”
“what do you mean ‘CC him to death’?”
“what do you mean ‘mana burn him’? nobody uses that spell!”
“what do you mean ‘wand/poke the totem(s)’?!”
“what do you mean ‘use an instant dot to get rid of grounding’?!”
“what do you mean ‘disarm him’?!”
“what do you mean ‘mortal strike him’?!”
“stop trolling you dirty shaman main!”

-every person on this forum who doesn’t know how to exploit shaman’s weaknesses.

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Cant do that im a wayior

Cant do that im wayior

Cant do that im wayior and hardiness btw.

Cant do that im wayior

I dont have wand but i can poke totems. Sad thing is that i dont have time for totems, im dying in 3-4 seconds.


Finally somehting i can do, sad thing is it wont help against elementals.

Finally somehting i can do. Sadly my mortal crits for 500-600 dmg and cost 30 rage. Elemental crits back at least x3 of that amount and multiple times btw.

Well yes stop it. Your class obviously overtuned. I want to be overtuned too.

As a wayior i cant see any weaknesses, because i dont have time when i fight shamans. My strong wayior body crumbles in pieces when elementals do their elemental thingy.

Look out people, hes back , we all thought you had a mental breakdown after being exposed,

Need i remind you that You’re a below average player?
Literally grey and green parses,
And your main isnt much better :joy:
Just a reminder while you try to belittle random forum visiters,

I also found out that you’re seen as a bit of a joke by other players on living flame, 0 surprise when i heard it,

Imagine that, in-game and on the forum, you are a failure, makes you think about irl

So you can drop the act now and crawl back under your little bridge.