SOD hunter vs shaman

Get a pocket healer.

Shivette, come on now,

You dont play SoD like your little buddy potato, what you still doing here in the SoD section, you silly billy,

The cata section is left, straight, left again, right, sharp right, first exit and finally left again.

While Cata is better than SoD, the SoD forum is more fun than the Cata forum.

Sad wayior face.

you didn’t expose anything, you’re imagining things. i already told you in another thread.
at this point you’re just ignoring what you’re being told lol.

on my priest yes parse bad, didn’t try to parse on alt, because its an alt, i haven’t raided on it.
also lul healer parses.
especially while on dispel duty.

on my shaman?
this below average? looks above to me, top dog even.
but hey, i wouldn’t expect you to be able to read graphs.
also lul tank parses.

oh btw. look at my vanilla enhancement parses.
holy moly look at all that orange, even some pinks and yellows in there if you care to look around.
here’s me in zg stomping the parse into the literal 100, even got a literal world best or two.
top 100 in every raid except for nax btw.

you done ‘exposing’ me now or do i need to clown even harder on you?

as a matter of fact, why don’t you tell me the name of your SOD main?
i’m curious if your parses break the blues, seeing as you are posting on a non-sod toon, likely to hide the fact you are bad at the game lol.
you better be able to show me some oranges at the very least.
prove you aren’t a hypocrite, big boy.

now that i have irrefutably proven that i am world-best material, i wonder what you are going to move the goalpost to.

truly a hero of the common folk, aren’t you? a true hero…

i’ll belittle whoever i want whether my parses are good or bad, lol.
my parses are fine, good even, and i ain’t even sweatlording it like i did in vanilla where i was in an actual parse guild, which my SOD shaman is not (which should give you a hint or two why the SOD toon’s parses are sub-best-in-the-world, but feel free to refuse to take it).

curiously, while i “belittle” people for being bad at the game on this forum, the one thing i have never done is mock them over their parses.
parses isn’t everything.
you can tell whether someone is good or bad at the game by how well they know their class versus what complaint they are making.

for example, i don’t need to look up the parses of a paladin who complains about flame shock / lava burst combo to know that he is a bad player.
just like i don’t need to look up the parses of a rogue who moans about orc racial to know that he is a bad player… a good rogue takes orc racial into account the second he makes his character, and he will work around it, because he is good at the game, whereas a bad rogue will complain that his crutch stunlock can’t win him the game at literally every turn, in pvp.

i am a living legend bro. people recognize me wherever i go.
so i got banned from living flame discord because i was too much of a chad and the admins started looking like virgins by comparison, so they had to get rid of me because i was stealing their limelight, now that i am gone i’m sure they are back to being artificial top dogs that everyone think are cool and hip.

i was never gone, simply vacation while playing a different game.
one would imagine you guys would be happy that the meanie undead troll priest who constantly make you look like idiots was gone for a while, but from what i can tell, you’ve been miserable here without me.

now that i am back you can take solace.

call for a priest or a paladin… mage next patch too.

so you don’t have pummel?
you don’t have shield bash?
any interrupt will lock down his spell schools if you do it while he is casting.
silence simply does it without interrupting a cast.

so you don’t have intimidating shout and mace stun?
you don’t have hamstring?
charge stun, intercept stun?
btw not all shamans are orc.

alright, but ofc you can’t mana burn as a warrior.
only 2 classes have such a spell.
ask them to do it.

skill issue.

you can’t cast spells, if the shaman uses grounding against you, why would you care lmao. that’s just good for you, because that means he’s not using agility totem.

right, so do it.
flattens the shaman’s ability to function for 10 seconds straight.

skill issue.

its getting nerfed, calm down.
also no it ain’t.

skill issue.

neither do you, from the looks of things.

post on SOD toon.


curious that the rogue you are posting with doesn’t show up when searching for it on WCL.
one could argue that you changed your name in an effort to hide from something.
or maybe that you simply never raided at all.

Nice advice, just call for help and win 3 vs 1 right?

You clearly dont understand what are you talking about. In sod fights are much much faster now and as a warrior i need to build rage to use skills. Shamans do so much dmg that i just simply dont have time to do anything, because i dont have rage. And your advice to me is - just use skills. On top of that we need to swap stances which punish us even more.

Intimidating shout 25 rage btw
Mace stun? You are joking right?
Hamstring? why?
Charge/intercept yes and? Give me something that will help me to survive burst damage and maybe i will use every skill in my book.
Im pretty sure 99.9% of shamans are orcs.

How exactly?

We know you are playing an orc shaman, its compeletly overpowered on the ptr, gtfo troll

Hes a well known troll, He feeds on this stuff, no point discussing with him

Im just trying to understand if he got pvp skill to give advices. But i doubt that now.

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Hot take: the people calling other people trolls all the time are the real trolls.

You are the same like potato, No idea about a specific topic but you have to put your nonsense in just to feel important and seen, another troll

Quite rich coming from a guy who does nothing but talk ill of other users. Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror some time.

I Just talk to people like that who deserve it, thats the only speech your kind of human does understand, i remember so many toxic aggressive answers from you to normal people, gtfo troll

Would you care to provide an example?

Something along the lines of:



There are plenty, many people and you know it. But no im sorry i wont scroll through all your comments in your profil to fish for this stuff :rofl:, you are not that important to me, anyone can do this by themselves

Oh, what’s that? No proof with which to substantiate your claim? No retort beyond infantile ad hominems? I wish I could say I’m surprised.

Yet you seem to have a strange compulsion to respond to any post I make. Curious.

That is an awful lot of yapping,

lets just do a quick fact recap and explain why everything you say is worthless:

  • You spend your life playing world of warcraft and dwelling on the forum, admitted to not working, having 0 real responsibilities, getting out of bed when you feel like it, an individual of that calibre has no legs to stand on, and you call yourself a chad :joy:

  • you’re banned from your server discord because you’re a clown, and well known for being a clown, to call yourself a legend is wild, its like when you have that one local schizo in your town, everyone knows them for the wrong reasons, server legend yeah right :joy:

  • Both your SOD characters suck, the proof is all there to see, i have alts with better parses than your main,

in conclusion, you’re a reptile in-game, a reptile on the forum, a reptile on the dmg and healing meters,

this is too easy.

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We had a conversation, ofc i will answer. But you try to shoot back i see