SOD hunter vs shaman

ahahahah, that rogue class not working out as you expected huh?
what, were you expecting rogue in SOD to be the monster it was in vanilla?
SUCKS TO BE YOU, LITTLE GUY :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you keep yapping to and about me though.
i know you can’t resist the ire of these cheeks.
you may watch, but no touching.

to be honest, there’s not much to tell you other than “git gud”.
your class (warrior) cannot deal with certain aspects of the game due to the fact the class is simply not designed for it.

the points i made about mace stun, pummel, shield bash etc. still stand.
you do indeed have interrupting - not silence - but interrupt.
you do indeed have CC as well.

am i missing something here?

i see you just moving goalposts in your followup reply to me.

pvp balance is based around group pvp, not 1v1, yes go and call for help.
maybe don’t engage in battles where the odds are stacked against you.
if that elemental shaman really spooks you that much, wait for someone with anti-spell caster tools to join you and go take him out.

that shaman likely wouldn’t engage you in a 1v1 either, he knows you can just charge into his face and interrupt the living :poop: out of him, disarm him, sunder him, MS him and basically just lock him down entirely.
guess what, you can just wack away at him and he’ll probably die from endless pushback.
btw you get recklessness on a 5 minute cooldown next patch, stop crying pls.

i understand that if any more words come pouring out your noob mouth, i’m gonna have to make a 2nd shaman just so i have an excuse to pvp on a shaman beyond max rank on my main, solely so i can force people like you to l2p through sheer trial and error.

that shaman can only do “so much damage” to you, because you’re allowing him to.
don’t let him freecast.

there it is, “your advice is trolling”.
25 rage is nothing, that’s literally a single charge + a hit.
mace stun, yes. 3 seconds when it procs. that’s like half a full combo kidney shot.
hamstring to slow him and prevent him from running away (and to proc WF if you got a feral druid or shaman WF totem nearby)
charge and intercept ARE those tools you dunce. you can use them in succession to double stun the shaman and to interrupt his casting.
99.99% shamans are orc? yeah no, fallacies won’t get you sympathy.

by virtue of not being able to hit with his main hand, thus not proc windfury, thus not getting maelstrom stacks, thus NOT FUNCTIONING.

that’s the case for enhancement shamans anyway.

disarm an ele shaman to rip off way of earth or burn from him for 10 seconds. its basically a mega sunder armor or spell damage reduction for him, in 1 cooldown.