SoD MM hunter?

I have mixed feelings about the hunter, i’m not saying it’s bad, but what it got from runes is simply zero (except trap launcher ofc), 80% of our runes serve to make malee hunter viable and what did we get on randged side? choice between chimera/explo and some passives, witch is a bit boring.
Aimed shot feels week with the 3 sec cast time, with damage pushback on cast, ofc its OK in 1v1 you cast aimed on frozen targets anyways but in BGs not so rewarding.
On the other hand i think the ‘‘vanilla’’ autoshot is outdated against upgraded op classes, it was fine in core vanilla, where the other classes were not so fast-paced, but forexample when a shadow priest can cast 3 mind spikes on me while I can’t finish an aimed cast thanks to the pushback dmg its a bit annoying.

Im not against the malee hunter and other ppls fun if they enjoy playing it, but for me the hunter is a RANDGED class.

Ahhh and let’s say a master’s call or a wotlk disengage wouldn’t be bad.


there are a lot of posts complaining what you say but is always a +1 !!! :+1:

Somehow blizzard never knows what to do with the MM hunter, for me the WOTLK and LEGION versions were the most fun. What they done with it at beginning of dragonflight was also ridiculous, a small buff then a bigger nerf and so on, i haven’t played retail for a while now, but as I looked at the tier lists, it’s still far from the best.

Exactly. I’m leveling a mage alt and for now after 5 runes , all 5 runes are just good. There are no useless runes like serpent spread or cobra strikes or invigoration. And when I see the other runes coming like the instant pyro after two crits for exemple , that synergize very well with the flat +15% Crit for 1% mana , I’m telling myself that a lot more work have been put into mages runes and that hunter is very neglected. No surprise the DPS is not following.

Not trying to shamelessly promote my own thread about this, I’m just tired of writing out all of this crap in every thread I feel like bringing it up in, check out this thread I made: Hunters need entire Rune Rework, not just buffs

It’s long but I go over a bunch of things in somewhat detail for an overlook of Hunter runes and why they are a problem and what could be done with them.

It’s been very quiet and minimal changes by the devs for a couple of weeks now.
I don’t know if that means that they are starting to give up on SoD or if big changes are coming soon.
I just hope some of those big changes in that case will be a rework of the runes for the hunter.

Probably just prepping for Phase 3.

Remember, that after the 2 week hiatus from christmas and new years eve they came back with a whopping +4 damage to explosive shot buff!

Don’t hold your breath. You’ll be left disappointed, because that’s all the SoD devs know how to do with Hunters; Disappoint.

Yeah. , also you forgot about the unusable steady shot from 60 to 75 weapon damage…

Now instead on loosing 40% on your damage because you clipped autoshot, you only loose 25.

They are now working had on serpent spread and invigoration. Serpent spread will now go from 6 to 9 sec. And invigoration will give you even more mana.

And don’t dare say that they neglect us after that

Coming from Warrior to Hunter I’m ecstatic about Hunter runes, really comes to show how pathetic the design behind Warrior runes is that I’m having this much fun with my Hunter alt.

Yes it is disappointing, i have one and a half month gametime, when this expires, I don’t think I’ll buy more, yes this sod is fun in some ways but this content is almost nothing +my favorite classes feel mediocre to say the least.
I was wondering if I should look at retail but naaah, i haven’t played since s2, it doesn’t matter that i was on 3k rio with 4 characters, if I were to start again, I would have to fight my way through the dark pits of PUGs again, where they treat you like a fool if you don’t have yesterday’s log and RIO…

Yeah I agree with you, its sad AF that they nerfed Ranged Hunter to the ground and Boosted Melee Hunter to the Sky.

yep - im sad to say i told yall so, before p2. this is where MM was going. i was just not aware they wouldnt fix it - thats a surprise.
but then, they did nerf MM in the first week of p1, when we where looking OP early on, before others got geared and left us behind. same thing now btw, for melee hunters, taking 30% of the dw when warriors start hitting 1400 dps, makes little to no sense.
it seems policy to make hunters mid, and somehow letting hybrids shine in multiple builds at the same time.
its very odd.

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I guess they just don’t have enough time / ressources

Whole problem is that bLizzard just made big numbers and thats it. It should be about making much more builds viable and not about making biggest numbers possible…

Runes should be transforming for sure… but in terms of gameplay and options.

Mage, Shaman, Druids…there are REALLY transformed and also fun to play no matter the numbers because the mechanics are good. I would like to see this for other classes as well but ffs tune down dmg numbers and just make things interesting

MM hunter is boring. You can melee weave to have more interesting rotation, but… I would rather see fun things to do from ranged…

I have fun. I am playing only MM hunter since start. I am using Chimera + Flank. I don’t feel weak at all, and I have more key binds on my 40LV than on my 80 SP. But I agree that the aim shot doesn’t feel as strong as it used to be compared to other runes. And it is a shame because it is hard to cast it in PVP outside of 1v1. Maybe it should ignore armor or something IDK. And traps and stings should scale.

Well. Hunter IS fun. Because its his base, he was already fun in classic. But the runes and the overall treatment of hunters… it $hitty, they gave a lot of stuff to other classes, but the only good rune which makes hunters really different from a classic is a trap launcher… and it’s like put a same trap you already have just little more far… yeah. warlocks and shamans can tank, mages can heal, priests can bubble, rogues can shadowstep and auto-apply poison with AP scale, druids have non-combat resurrection and windfury, even warriors can charge all the time without stance changing and in combat. And hunters still can’t even get more stables space ffs. Its ridiculous.

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Hunters need and talent rework, or at least to connect the runes with the talents and to rework a lot of the abilities like Arcane Shot, Mongoose Bite, Counterattack and Traps dmg scaling, Disengage should be change at all as functionality, also to put in the table in trap luncher rune and Wyvern Sting to can be used in combat, because this is last talent and nobody use it! Because guess why, in STV or Ashenvale you are never our of combat! It is enough to have 2 min CD.

Why ? FD+wyvern macro works perfectly fine and also goin full survival with slow wep and chimera turns me into a very good hybrid ranger/melee /especially with stacked tons of stamina/.Also as a NE i often ambush my opponents via shadowmeld and could use wyvern even better.
By the way if your PvP activity is limited to Stv event is just… silly. A mindless aoe grind

Rune of THE Stable master… GO GO GO!

Not everyone is elf to use shadowmeld. Also if you have dots on you you should wait more than second after FD to make you out of combat and when you count the server lag your opponent taging you again when you are on the ground. But don’t want to argue. My pvp wasn’t in STV only but when queue time for solo BGs grown on 12-15 mins i stop to playing them. And with this broken community system you cannot find new friends whit who to playing. Everyone is so touchy. I’m 40 year old and also don’t have so mugh time to playing.