This has been an EXTREMELY unfair gain of gold and honor, and possibly gear and whatever else as side effects.
Please, you actually need to roll back servers for this.
This has been an EXTREMELY unfair gain of gold and honor, and possibly gear and whatever else as side effects.
Please, you actually need to roll back servers for this.
So screw all the PvE players, lets just cater to the PvPers
Seriously you guys moan and complain way too much about a game…
What are you on about? You really think only PvPers are in the PvE battleground getting BIS PvE items?
Back from a long hiatus. Disgusting implementation of classics, layers, mafia, buggy BGs. This is a nightmare classic. Thanks Microsoft for taking over Blizzard, it’s made it doubly fun! (NO)
Might be “When a Blizzard turns up in the Sahara” or so …
i agree with you, community has gone to hell, everything is controlled by mafia’s (IE Vendor recipe’s and other stuff)
Everyone is seemingly buying gold (there is so much gold around its insane)
layers are a pain, but so are MEGA-servers…
and everyone is doing dungeons with shopping-lists attached: MINE MINE MINE
its disgusting realy, so much toxicity and greedyness over a 20 year old game.
if piratesoftware still worked at blizzard the roll back would have happened by now
18 hours ago.
What does “very soon” mean?
Some of us understand that mistakes happen and that they’re not always easy to fix, but the LEAST you could do would be to say “they’ll reopen on day X, at HH:MM”.
Posting that it will be done “very soon” and still having them closed 18h later is not good enough.
Wanted to try a WSG with my 49 toon and coulnt queue…came here and…xD
But did the SOD players have their new habilities and everything ? Oo
HC server Self-Found community is the only part of fresh still worth playing. Community is fantastic. All the gold is meaningless cause you can’t trade nor use the AH.
The rest is beyond redemption.
HC is meaningless - it’s not a game designed for HC. This isn’t D2.
Everything is meaningless there, not just the gold.
The HC community definitely disagree with you.
What, all 4 of them?
You obviously never played HC. It’s packed with people.
Self found with dual spect . sounds very easy.
While leveling is fun, the end game is pure stress even in easy Classic raids, because one pet standing too close to a boss throwing chail lightnings may ruin month worth of leveling and much more time spent on gearing for entire raid.
What do you mean i am hunter everything is mine
The fact that Blizzard chose to let people trade in boons is mind boggling to me. The whole point of Fresh servers is a new economy.
This is beyond ridiculous. Blizzard somehow seems to be finding new ways to mess up their own servers. It’s almost amazing if you look at it.