What happened to “very soon”? 3+ hours and counting now, this is bs. You make millions every month in subs but cant put out a product without screwing everything up? Not sure if dev team is out of their depth or under staffed. Either way this is a joke of a company
Doubt that very much.
You see each and every single one of them are like this.
Useless buffoons. Breaking everything they touch.
Working at blizzard Is like a hallmark for being an incompetent fool.
They don’t exactly attract the best and brightest anymore.
Anyone got the definition for “very soon”?
Well depends.
I’m still here waiting for the 200 000 lifetime hks they erased from me when first creating this abomination of an honor system. That was in 2023, next few hours/days we where told then.
I’m afraid though its not coming. So ultimately some unfortunate soul has to pay for that instead. Whether that would be randy here, or someone else I do not care. But pay for it they will. Forgive it, I cannot.
How to tell who played private ? The ppl asking for rollbacks.
In 20 years iv never seen Blizzard do a rollback. And they have done crap A LOT worse than this.
They dont care about SoD and they especially dont care about Stale.
They will prob remove some of the stuff, some not. The same as in SoD with the t2 from vendors.
New gold was not added to the server. The gold traded is gold that is already on the server.
well, it’s still exploiting some bugs of the game. hope the gold gets removed and they even get banned
thats the same thing as you put weed in supermarket,and after peoples buy some joints,police put them in jail…doesnt make sense…if i see tomorow in store coca cola bottle for 2liter for 10cents i would buy all i can,should i be punished because i bought it?are u stupid?anyway,ban us,ban everyone,i hope you and your 3 low lvl friends will enjoy MMO alone
sounds like you’ve been doing just that? if that’s the case you deserve a ban my friend. like it or not exploiting a bug is a breach of the ToS
I hope you guys will check ppl inventory since there r rumors they have more items than just Chronoboons.
Playing since May 2005 (with breaks) and never had I seen this level incompetence as in 2024-2025. Looks like outsourced Classic team was downsized in half. Not the most competent half was left.
Its very easy to trash over someone else profession that you r bet not connected even 1%
It is bad yes it is, bugs, mistake happends in every game not just wow.
Games rises as mushrooms but die overnight while wow still standing over 30 years.
Bugs happend since this is 3 version of classic we have atm, Blizzard reacts quick enough. So idk where is problem mr developer?
How are you going to fix those that took advantage of buying Boons for 20 silvers inside the messed up AV?
The problem is that they clearly have us for beta testers in live service game. Cataclysm Classic had record breaking interface and game mechanics bugs at launch never to be seen in any WoW expansion launch history. It took them over 5 weeks after release to fix at least most obvious ones. Firelands patch was in betters state, however profession tabs that were fine in first patch of T11 became broken and only recently were bug fixed as if in preparation for t13 alpha testing the devs got together done the fix on the fly. As if the coders are on other projects besides WoW Classic and it’s iterations and have only a week to get everything done before pulled back to main tasks for several months while phase lasts and only called back to fix game breaking bugs that make the the gameplay impossible like this SoD BG crossover.
Im not suprised becous to days infrastrukture dont force you to run every thing on diffrent servers.
I meen we got era, aneversery, hardcore and SoD basecly runing at the same time on same hardveare. For me personaly think its fun when things like this hapends.
he he a SoD player just need to look at you and you are dead.
We pay a subscription for a game completed since 2005-2006, Blizzard is a company that earns millions without forcing with WoW, and despite all that, beginner’s mistakes, no more GMs, a mafia and an endemic black market on their game which proliferates thanks to Blizzard’s inaction…
The Blizzard of 2005 would have already created a WoW classic+ for us and not some poor trainee SoD, would have continued to provide the servers with an active GM team, would have effectively fought against Bots and all harmful behavior, and such errors would never have been possible , just out of respect for their communities.
Stop defending the indefensible.
Nah EU numbers are much bigger , its just that they get actual responses sometimes which encourages them while EU forums are abandoned
Tbf those in marshall gear kind of earned it.
Yes its an adavantage but its one they grinded pvp for.
For fairness sake we could use a fresh sod server set, maybe when its run the full course we will see.
The problem is when you patch somthing, that somthing else not even connected may break or need updating as well.
Im supprise nobody fixed this yet some people actually took day off from work to do battlegrounds lol