[SoD] Restricted from trading, AH, mail

Clearing cache and wait 15 mins doesnt resolve the issue, sounds like the comments, everyone who has send a mail or received a mail with gold in it got this restriction.
Are these accounts under investigation ? We simply don’t know, not any notification whatsoever, it’s actaully criminal from blizzard to take our real euro’s and restrict us from earning any gold in game, Bags full, bank full, can’t do anything anymore.

exactly this… I finally decided to pay for wow, first time in my life. And now this… I can´t progress. So frustrating. If not fixed fast it will also be the last time of paying blizzard for anything.

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it’s really sad so many people are affected and no1 cares to answer all these questions on the forums, for a billion dollar company this is a real shame.


we need a fix on this issue asap, commenting on all threads to get this rushed

I neither received any mail or sent any mail with gold in it and I have the same issue. I think it’s just a random bug that will hopefully be fixed soon.

How to fix it? I’m a new player, playing hardcore only. And I watched dozens of videos with recommendations from experienced players, that you have to send gold to your other characters, to save your money in case your main will die. And now looks like because of that I can’t send mails, and buy from AH?

Same here server - Lone wolf… Can’t trade on AH


You and me maybe won’t pay another dime. Was coming back after a few years to try Classic, had a mere 2 days played and then this bs “ah ban”.
But Blizzard doesn’t care like a drug dealer doesn’t care when he has some bad product once in a while. The consumer will return anyway.

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Same here… With both parts…

Don’t think I’ll pay another month again ever on this game if it dosen’t get fixed.
So sad, since it’s been 15+ years since I started…

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Same problem here…

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I just got a generic response on a ticket

Blockquote Support
This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673 ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.
Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html
Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

What on earth? I literally bought subscription yesterday, played for like 5 hours as a complete newbie enjoying the game, barely talking to anyone. Server had maintenance and the next day I found my auction house didnt work, and later figured out its my whole account that got restricted… This is a joke, and they respond to my ticket with that?! As if I am a cheater, wtf. There must be some mega bug happening in the backend or something. This is no bueno


That is unacceptable. I received the same “it’s YOUR fault” email from them.

Unacceptable customer service.
Sad because until now I have been enjoying the game and the people, however I may not keep my subscription. I only started 3 weeks ago…


(EU) The same problem after new season starts… authentication and logging issue.

Hey everyone, for me about 24h later the restrictions have been lifted. I can play the game again. Hope it will be fixed for everyone…


Same thing. cant use AH / Trade. Can only recieve items - This account is literally few days old, im already 50 and done nothing wrong. What is happening???

Totally agreed. Can you guys fix this??

Thats just crazy wrong… How can they literally rob you on your money + time and then autobot answer you like you did something wrong when they restricted people for no reason


More than 24 h left. Still can’t trade, received a bot generated answer for ticket, like please check our articles… Issue still persist…


The same message popped up today for me, havent used the AH in a day or so, been busy questing, so im guessing it all happened to us at the same time…my friend who i have been leveling with got the same error as well.


Same here.