[SoD] Restricted from trading, AH, mail

Same here for 2 days. Is Blizzard asleep? Pls fix this - cant play the game.

It does not make any sense. I just create a new character in another server in EU, cause i moved to another country.

Blizzard, fix this @!@!@!@ problem, we canā€™t play the game without trade and action house.

Is this issue fixed for anyone ?

Same for me, no fixes yet. second day now

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Same for me, but i guess we need to wait till monday for them to fix this.

still only bot answering me ) blizzard it looks your are botsā€¦ before this i got account bann for farming uldaman with my hunter i spent like a 2 weeks to gear and farm all reputationsā€¦ then i saw video on youtube how ppl farming uldaman and after 1 night doing that on morning they say i am bot and account goneā€¦ after 3 days waiting on appeal i payed another account lvled my mage and now thisā€¦ already 24 hour only bot responce that i done something against rulesā€¦ wtf is all this ā€¦ >? blizzard scamm


Got the same problem, i havenā€™t done anything against tos just played the game like i have done the last 10 years. Please fix this bug


I have also had this issue for over 24 hours now with no response from blizz on what is going on.

Economy ruined for everyone that didnā€™t take time off work on the first night and now weā€™re hit with this. What the hell is going on at Blizz?


Same Here!

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Same problem here!

Same Here ! 2 Day Cant Take Any Items From Ah


Same here, 23h since I posted a ticket. No answer.


blizzard wake up and do something, we got full bags, cant sell, cant buy consumes, cant get invs to raid due consumes. we are paying for the gameā€¦


Same here, I dont know why, It is almost 48h


They donā€™t actually hire GMs by the way youā€™re just reporting issues under a certain topic and getting automated responses. Havenā€™t been able to use my AH since maintenance and wonā€™t get any support until they feel like it a week down the road. What a joke. Blizzard sucks.


I dont get it. I think I have been restricted too. Come back to the game after many years and ive been restricted? my friend passed me 20g to start me off again. could it have been that?


Same here, since maintenance, fresh character new account


me too idk why

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its no one gm online they put all on autosystem that just rip the game ā€¦ they dont care about your bags and staffā€¦ have a raid today wich i was waiting for weeks was doing big preparation etc and now i cant get full consumesā€¦ say thanks that you are not in full bann at least. got 3 accounts banned saying i am bot with exalted reputations stv mounts etcā€¦


This is what happened with another account of mine, except I came to WC to farm blue BoP items for my alt on this account Iā€™m typing from, then 5 hours later I got what I wanted and left with ~25g from vendoring items in my pocket, I then mailed gold to my bank alt.

Within 24h account got banned for economy explotation.

4+ tickets so far and all bot copied responses, they never looked on my case, this is how Blizzard deal with things these days, they allow their automated system permanently ban actual players for petty crimes and not even look into their detailed explanation of the events.

I wish I got trade locked in SoD instead of account closure btw, because I play wotlk maily and SoD was just a fun side thing, but now I just cant play the game completely. And tickets I send get ignored.