[SoD] Restricted from trading, AH, mail

Gogogo do something, thats no fun anymore Blizzard!

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I’m still locked out of AH, trading, and sending mail since the hotfix. I think I was flagged because I bought all the FAPs on the AH. At 14s each I couldn’t resist. ^^
Small Furry Paws too

Blizz plz fix!


My bank and bags are full! I wish I had this issue IRL ^^


I’m having the same problem on all of my accounts. I’m thinking maybe I got it because of cheaper Turkish account. You guys using normal subscription?

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I also cannot use trading, auction and mail.

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It looks like, they’ve applied self-found mode from hardcore on sod


Same problem here.

Made ticket and got very generic answer.


So i made a ticket, not knowing what was going on and apparantly i did something against the rules,
They gave the standard answer referring to the rules of conduct and user agreement.

Not WHAT i have done wrong,
not for how long the trade ban persists.
Actually i should not have to make a ticket to get informed i actually DID SOMETHIGN WRONG
 They should notify me.

What the hell is this for kind of customer treatment !?

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How the hell can we actually talk to a human ?
This is unacceptable, banned from trading anything. Without doing anything wrong.

yeah its truly ridicilous, broken game, and we getting ignored by help and auto replied by bots that we did something wrong. its crazy we are paying for this game

Yes, it is really season of discovery. I discovered that I cannot use the auction few days ago. I understand that you are promoting a hardcore mod, but i can’t sell or buy anything for the third day, can u spare and give access for at least 10 min to deal with things, my entire bank is full and I walk around with a level 14 white sword when I’m already 25. I understand that the company small and with an indie slant, but can you hire a person and not a robot to answer tickets, many many thanks!


Back when we started in 2004 loading them discs, you would get a reply from a real human within hours.
Now it takes days and the reply is an automated message telling you actually nothing about what is going on.

I think they became to sure of subscribers that they trew away everything that made wow classic as it was released in 2004 great.

Same as all of you.
I just asked a friend for few gold to help me in my early progression (5gold)
I think I will just stop and keep my money. The real one.

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I just got this reply from Blizz -

> Howdy
> First off, sorry you're dealing with this hiccup – I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support can't directly fix these mechanics-related issues, but we're here to help guide you through a possible solution!
> For some players logging out for a full day has been fixing this issue, there was a fix rolled out.  If you haven’t signed out of the game for at least 12 hours please do so, then report a bug if it continues.
> If that doesn't do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report. It might not give you an instant fix, but it sends crucial info about your character and the situation to the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. They'll dive into it and work on resolving any issues if they find something off. Here's the link to submit a Bug Report: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15043

So it looks like they’ve confirmed it’s an issue on their end - But it’s not going to be a simple fix for those of us logging out for X period of time doesn’t work for.


Hello everyone
Also same with AH/Mail/Trade, get answer from support


First off, sorry you’re dealing with this hiccup – I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support can’t directly fix these mechanics-related issues, but we’re here to help guide you through a possible solution!

For some players logging out for a full day has been fixing this issue, there was a fix rolled out. If you haven’t signed out of the game for at least 12 hours please do so, then report a bug if it continues.

If that doesn’t do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report. It might not give you an instant fix, but it sends crucial info about your character and the situation to the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. They’ll dive into it and work on resolving any issues if they find something off. Here’s the link to submit a Bug Report: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15043

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Yup I just got this too!

So it looks like they’ve confirmed it’s an issue on their end - But it’s not going to be a simple fix for those of us logging out for X period of time doesn’t work for.

I just got this reply from Blizz -

> Howdy
> First off, sorry you're dealing with this hiccup – I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support can't directly fix these mechanics-related issues, but we're here to help guide you through a possible solution!
> For some players logging out for a full day has been fixing this issue, there was a fix rolled out.  If you haven’t signed out of the game for at least 12 hours please do so, then report a bug if it continues.
> If that doesn't do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report. It might not give you an instant fix, but it sends crucial info about your character and the situation to the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. They'll dive into it and work on resolving any issues if they find something off. Here's the link to submit a Bug Report: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15043

So it looks like they’ve confirmed it’s an issue on their end - But it’s not going to be a simple fix for those of us logging out for X period of time doesn’t work for.

i tried this thing, i closed my game and logged out battle net for over 12 hours, logged in and same thing

I would recommend following the link in my post to submit a bug report (if you haven’t already) the more people that do this might speed up a true fix

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yeah will do that