[SoD] Restricted from trading, AH, mail

Already tried all of that, and reported it as a bug the moment i noticed it, more than 48 hours ago…

Game is unplayable now, bags full, bank full, all is full

Yeah, no. They sincerely don’t care. With their utmost disinterest!

Now it just feels like poking a dead body with a stick to see if it still moves…

I dont know what was happened, but after I send some copper from one of my character to another my character, I cant use AH and mailbox any more. It shows " That action is currently restricted". Can anyone help me resolve this issue? To be honest, I have been playing WoW for more than ten years. Seeing him turn from a legend to a piece of sh*t, I am still very emotional.


Is anyone else in the same situation as me?
I submitted a ticket but got no response. Does anyone know what to do?


Yep all in the same boat here.
After accepting a mail from a friend got this aswell.
Many people have.

The automated ticket response is a link to the terms of use and stating it’s you own fault while you didnt do anything wrong.
REALLY PISSED about this.


having the same issues, got the same generic response. logging out didn’t work for me.
is there any other solution?

Frankly speaking, I was looking forward to the game content on SoD, but this recent incident makes me think that I should probably quit this game.


First off, sorry you’re dealing with this hiccup – I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support can’t directly fix these mechanics-related issues, but we’re here to help guide you through a possible solution!

For some players logging out for a full day has been fixing this issue, there was a fix rolled out. If you haven’t signed out of the game for at least 12 hours please do so, then report a bug if it continues.

If that doesn’t do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report. It might not give you an instant fix, but it sends crucial info about your character and the situation to the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. They’ll dive into it and work on resolving any issues if they find something off. Here’s the link to submit a Bug Report: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15043

If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket.

Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did."

It sounds like they’re not 100% what’s causing it at the moment so it’s important that everyone experiencing the issue tries their advice and raises the bug report if it persists.

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Raise the bug report - The more people that raise one the higher the chances it’ll be given a higher priority.

This is the most recent reply those that are suffering with this problem have been given.

Please try the advice, and raise the bug report if it is not resolved.

Still having this issue, i think 3rd day now. On all of my chars. Tried removing addons + WTF + cache, doesnt seem to work.

i done this logout 2 times already nothing helps. and it is interesting like for some ppl it helps for some not … cant play the game 2 days missed raid cause cant get consumes etc… how mutch long this will goes ?

Seems about right! They’re 100% not knowing what they’re doing.
We have to be patient because blizzard is a small indie company with no ressources nor staff to be concerned with this issue. Because all relevant sources are tied to implement mtx to d:i.

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Me to have same problem…

Honest question: Which bug report? All of the automated issues don’t deal with this specific case. All that you’re getting is vague hints to reset your account, your addons, re-install the game. And i wouldn’t be surprised if some (paying!) customers are recommended to re-install their os completely [which is UTTER BULLDOODOOO btw*]

*only recommended by companies whose underpayed and understaffed employees don’t give a frag.
THEY don’t care about us as long as they have our money. Solution: quit spending your money on blizzard!

It’s not simply an “issue”
People have PAID MONEY already to use a feature advertised by a company and they don’t get the service. Denk mal drüber nach.

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some here !

Then raise the bug report and once the issue is resolved start a new ticket to claim back lost subscription. Complaining about it on the forums without taking blizzards advice (Regardless of if you think that advice will fix the problem) Isn’t going to do anything.

Take their advice. Raise a bug report if the issue persists.

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This maybe the best solution :joy:

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