Solo Players

Just interested in knowing how you guys/girls or other play the game and what you do when you log in to the game. What would you like to see added to this game that you think is missing.

You don’t understand what players can do on their own? You can literally do just about every aspect solo even pug the group content.

Do you do everything in game with friends/guildies?

I’m not being facetious, I’m genuinely baffled at the question. Most people play on their own at some point. Even if it’s just parts of the game.


I used mostly do legacy content.

To farm gold until it was nerfed.

After that i slowly and gradually stopped playing.


I do questing etc… legacy content, old raids for Tmogs etc… other times i decide to see how far i can get in current stuff like dungeons on my own. was surprised at being able to actually finish some of them.

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Although I am not strictly a solo player atm, it is my default. I get to 70, doing all the quests and dungeons at least once, then start the end game outdoor world farm. In TWW I may even gear in HC dungeons etc.

I love Wednesdays!
I log into my main, Nim, and do the weekly outdoor quest and LFR. After that I have old raid farms for mogs.
During the rest of the week I alternate between those activities on my alts and some levelling. Occasionally I will do M+ or just help out friends.

I currently have an alt of each class and … a -lot- of Priests. I want to make a Shadow Priest on Wednesday that will do Loremaster to unlock all the quest mogs and I want her to wear an appropriate tier set from each expansion… but I haven’t ever really bothered before so gotta farm! She will become an “alt main” along with my Hunter.


well i have a friend who plays wow and he does not play any group content what so ever but just plays doing random things im just interested to see how and what playing the game is to players who would consider themselves a solo player

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Whatever I want. I’ll do old content, farm new content, I raid with a community and if I need to do m+ i do with a set of 4 trusted friends. Everything is soloable until it isn’t and i have fun finding that line.


I’m not saying all solo players do group content. It’s just that there is no limit. Some people simply don’t like guilds or set schedules. They want the freedom to do what they want when they want so prefer to play alone.

They can pug if they want to and do group stuff, they can just stick to the autoqueue content like LFR, normal/heroic dungeons/random battleground/solo pvp etc, or they can simply just do the stuff in the game that doesn’t require anyone else.


If you could solo max level dungeons and raids would you come back to the game ? simmilar to delves that are coming to the war within

Probably not.

The thing with high level dungeons which put me off was the grouping system and finding groups.

I love teaming with people and am actually pretty social i game but i never could because of high demands.

Pugging was basically a nightmare for me.

Soling dungeons isnt something im interested in.

Id rather a improved and more inclusive grouping system with more focus on inclusion rather than gatekeeping.


I mostly do M+, at least when friends are on or a season is new. I also raid when there is a new tier.

Besides that, I just do solo stuff and killing time (catching up on quests, renown, some transmogs, a little random PvP), though I’d actually like to cut down on the “playing out of habit” and instead focus more on just logging on for group content.

What if they added a solo queue mythic + option so you did not have to pug and you could just queue up and jump in without feeling discriminated for what class /specc you are playing

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I always said mythic 1-15 should be obtainable via queue.

But its a unpopular opinion in this game especially on this forums.

So i just dont bother with that content when i played as a resault.

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Finding a group isnt Gatekeepting, thz problem is the class u play. A dps will allways have an harder time to get into a group. This season the standards for even being invited in a + 4 is horrendous. But that isnt defining as gatekeeping.

Fascinating that you mentioned it. Can you explain a bit how you have experienced the gold farming nerfs in the game over the years? I had a couple of WoW friends too who told me that they can no longer farm enough gold to buy gametime with it. They really enjoyed farming gold just for its own sake. Sometimes they would wait for me to come online to tell me how much they had farmed since the last time we talked. It was an amazing aspect of the game for them.

And still some people earn still millions but rhe change of the AH was a bad change tho.

I mostly played protection paladin but every expansion was the same story from BFA onwards.

Id get groups for about a month.

Then because i cant play 12 hours a day like others could, i would fall behind on the gearing curve and well once you are behind its near impossible to catch back up without excessive amount of freetime as people would always pick the higher number, i have nothing in wow which shows my skill level either so it didnt matter that i am a very skilled player ranking top 99percentile in other mmorpgs and even obtaining world firsts in other mmorpgs.

People didnt care about that they only see a number so whats the point?

They basically killed the game for us players who playedlike that.

Not much more to say about it than that.

Yeah I think if the AH is region-wide, the profession system and crafting orders should be too.

But I guess that is harder to implement now, so they should have kept the AH in 20 clumps or so maybe. Or merge some servers, I dont know, just something.

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Still as a tank u get a fast group even at low itlvl or u signed for a key that way over. Or u do your own key. But ye this is another topic. A Queing system for m+ will never workout its impossible tbh.

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