Solo Players

You can do this already now if you want to. Every character gets a M+ key and can open a M+ key. Just invite the first four people for the open role slots and go. You don’t need to communicate at all. Just post the key, click on four people, and walk into the instance.

You’ll probably learn with two or three runs why making M+ queueable content wouldn’t work out well, but this is an experience you need to make first hand and who knows, this approach may work for you.

The real key is to make friends and do some social networking. You can start here in the forum! I played with some regulars here and it’s been fun. I’m happy to come along for keys or even M0.

Theres literally game modes now that are named Solo Shuffle. Its in the player vs player tab under rated with name Solo. :rofl:

I kind of gave up trying to make lasting friendships with this game, i went through probably 60+guilds all ending the same way.

Once the guild were gone so were those friendships basically, which was something i always found odd about wow.

Somepoint in i think it was cataclysm i just stopped trying to find a lasting community of people to play with and instead started focusing on the things i could do as a solo player without much time wasteage finding much joy in gold farming.

Until it was nerfed as mentioned b4.

After that i struggled finding to same enjoyment in anything else and found myself drifting away from azerorh altogther.

I think at this point in time there’s no overwhelming need for guilds anymore. I am in one, with the people I have known for almost twenty years, but there’s no practical need for it.

Today, we have cross-server/cross-faction communities both in WoW and on Discord. Discord communities like “No Pressure” (if you google for it, there will be a link - or Puny may post the list!) give you much the same experience without responsibilities or commitment.

And you have this forum here. I’m sure there are people who’d be happy to do some runs with you. It can all be done across servers and factions, so it’s a good option.

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I did try a guild who mostly communicated via discord briefly in shadowlands expansion.

But i didnt really gel with the mentality of them all, they were after very different things from the game than i was.

I also found there was “main groups” of people and “outsiders”

Sometimes a outsider made it into the main group.

But more often than not they were shunned and outcast leaving them lite option to find something else.

I personally tried to make those outsiders welcome by spending a lot of my freetime conversing with them, but as a outsider myself there was little i could do as all of theur main goals were to make it into the main group.

I eventually stopped communicating altogether on the discord, the gud went south and died, i was one of the last to leave.


Yeah guilds are not what they used to be i remember back in vanilla and how good and meaningful guilds actually made playing the game more fun and easy.

I would love for that to return some how in modern wow mabye if blizzard give more incentives to players who take part in a guild etc so more players do it.

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Vanilla wow was before social media times, that is probably why we remember it differently too. It was its own social media, kind of. There were fewer alternatives to finding people to talk to on the internet and so each of them was more special. And Cata came almost exactly when the iPhone and smartphones came to the market. Probably had something to do with the “Classic era” ending too, apart from game design reasons :smiley:

Just something that I thought right now.

For low level mythics, I would love this. I have tried my hat at pugging but it gives me anxiety unless I have at least one friend along. I don’t know why, but then anxiety doesn’t always make sense. As for raiding, whilst I am fine with LFR I’d love a follower version to do with friends that won’t step foot in it.

Absolutely. I hated school, I was bullied by everyone for seemingly no reason (hello undiagnosed autism) but on WoW? I was popular. I had those friends for 10+ years, we’ve grown apart now but the memories are golden and it got me through my teenage years. Coming home after school and going on WoW to talk to your friends was just what we did… although we did then start using MSN as well. You can do things together in WoW though, not so much on just chat platforms.


I log in, take a look at my alts and decide which story will continue on this day. No planing, just playing.


I gave up ranked group play a long time ago. Only thing i did was heroic Emerald Nightmare because a friend needed me. But these days i mostly just farm gold, mounts and transmogs. Enjoy the story, and heal in LFR because i started as a resto druid back in Vanilla and still like to heal once in a while.

Usually shuffling but got a bit bored of it so I use the reputation buff to get as high as I can before the next expansion and of course I farm a lot of gold that I will need when it hits.

I play a lot of characters so I was happy when I heard about account wide reputation, was very annoying to start from scratch every time I wanted to play something new.

I log in. I then clear my LFR’s both awakened and last raid for a legendary drop. I then play whatever I feel like doing, be it some island expeditions, old raids for tmog, old dungeons for tmog and achievements, level an alt,world quests. Whatever takes my fancy really.

I’m completely happy playing on my own. If someone wants me to tag along with them fine I’ll tag along but I avoid guilds like the plague now (long story which I won’t go into) and I have zero patience to be screamed at and belittled by people utterly ignorant of the fact they’re playing a bloody videogame.


That is the definition of gatekeeping. It’s in the word. They keep you away based on some made-up thing.

I’m not saying i don’t understand. I do, there are hundreds of DPS signing up to keys at high level that many on the forums do. He’s not wrong to feel bad for being declined all the time though.

It’s not that different overall. There were always people who treated them like co-workers. There were always social guilds that did content too. I dare say mine is of that kind.

I am very much a solo player. I don’t do any group content, unless it’s something that I can solo. On a high level char I can do a lot of dungeons and such for transmog runs, which I love. My favorite expansion is Outland, so there I can probably do everything solo. I cannot do current dungeons of course, but that’s fine. It means that as new expansions come out, and leveling up, this opens up old content for me.
Other than that - questing, exploring, collecting battle pets is lots of fun. And now there are Follower dungeons, I tried that, it was interesting. I really like that idea, and hope it will come to old dungeons as well. Someone wrote that maybe they will make followers that are ones own alts, that would be so amazing.
I just feel more relaxed on my own. I have on rare occasions played in groups. I found it a little stressful. I feel like many people are in a hurry that it all needs to go fast. I like to take my time to do things, and to look around at the world.
I still appreciate having people around me. I’m having a wonderful lot of fun in Remix Pandaria. There are so many people around in the world, and a very nice atmosphere. Even if not playing in groups. I love that a lot. Will really miss Remix when it’s over.


Loads of achievements to do solo.

Currently working on: (thanks to simple armory)

Taivan - Just one daycare derby left

Big Slick - doing the rep on alts as blizzard have said winterpelt and glimmerog isnt account wide… like to see the bars full on the rep tab.

Garrison Invasions/Stables

Argent Tournament - just a few mounts left

Protoform synthesis mount - need to get another mawforged bridle from sepulcher normal… then im waiting either for Lihuvim to switch to legacy loot system or hoping for the items from an olea cache.

Maldraxxus stitchyard - working on the 700 Anima- touched weapon fragments for the weapons… currencies in shadowlands zzz

Violet Mistake

So much to do.


I rarely do group content, my reactions are a bit slow and I get easily hurt by comments. I like quests, the longer the better, I have enjoyed the remix, and have several mounts and more to come. If I get bored I make a new character and play a few levels. Would like new archaeology.


Yeah some players can be quite toxic but not all i think blizzard are now making more content available for players who would like to play solo and i think that is a good thing.

I do hope they implement being able to play with alt characters as AI in a group if you have the right classes to make a group ofc and more modes like the mage tower but mabye with an option of difficulty etc


I have a set of characters I enjoy playing, I rotate them somewhat.
I play whatever is next in said character’s story progression.
For example, I finished Val’sharah with this paladin, and now return to the Remix shaman to play Townlong Steppes.

I used to mix in some dungeons, when health bars were a bit more durable.

Much slower dungeons and / or single player mode for all of them.
Legion actualy has follower dungeons-scenarios to some extent.
Exploring old content can be cumbersome as a damage dealer, I recently spent over an hour in queue for Eye of Azshara. Fortunately this one has a healer spec. The hunter needs boosts and Chromie hopping.

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Ahh so you like to play for the story and complete all the quests in zones ? i never played legion when the expansion was current but i have done some quests while levelling the storyline for legion did seem to be very good im hoping the new trilogy delivers on that aspect and has some good lore.

BFA also has a decent campaign mode to be fair i loved all the nazmir ghuun blood troll stuff.

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