Solo Players

Well at the moment it’s pretty limited. I get the weekly quests; do them (I skip any pvp, pet battle or mythic weeklies). And then I do any combination of heroic dungeons and LFR wings that will get me 3 vault slots for the week after.

I upgrade my gear with the crests I’ve earned that week.

Then throughout the week I do gold WQs and dragonriding races for the gold bag.

That’s the standard stuff I do at the moment. Of course when there’s actual new content to do; I do that.

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If you want some epic quality quest / story content, do the Uuna questline. It is epic indeed.

Uuna’s Storyline - A Dark Place - Wowhead

I recommend not reading from wowhead, but you can get to know how to start it from there :smiley:


Fair enough do you like 100% completion of quests etc ? and i bet you are looking forward to delves also ?

To say it’s possible to play all this game solo is also baffling.
I get it it’s a MMO and the social part is paramount to the game’s core, but it’s not exactly a “full solo friendly” game.

I cannot say what else can be done to improve that, but I’m sure there might be something.

Every guild I was in imploded after raid wiping and I could never get into a better guild because of not being able to gear up, what’s worse is nine times out of ten, I’d be last man standing in those raids because I’d always know the tactics but no raiderio score and no required ilevel means I never got a chance to even trial with better guilds.
So (curse words that will be censored but involve things going up the WoW snobs rear ends)
I still want to play this game and I’m not lowering myself to beg or pay for a place.


Its not Gatekeeping because u also have your own key that u can do, and yes many people get a decline its a part of the system and the community is always looking for the best.

Thats would be so awesome tbh i loved that.

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I wouldn’t want to be in a group that would have me as a memeber (to paraphrase Grocho Marx)…

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Yeah I try to complete everything I can.
WQs not so much anymore; I do in the early days of an expansion though.

Yes and no.
Yes, I am very interested in finally getting an endgame activity with progression.
But I am also worried; worried it’s going to be too much like Torghast or Horrific Visions; both activities I hated.

We’ll see how it turns out in practice.

Worst case scenario is that it’s just going to give me more options when compared to now; I do heroic dungeons and LFR raids, but I don’t really enjoy either very much; I just do them for the vault slots. So having an option to do some delves instead, even if I don’t enjoy them that much, is a plus. But who knows… I might love them.

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The beauty of wow is that there is no wrong way or right way to play it. It’s baffling to suggest that an individual can dictate the correct way to play over others preferences.

Many love to play on their own. I personally love that I can do both. I raid mostly with a guild but if I want to I can just pug stuff outside of that commitment. I can play M plus with a friend and we go pug or other times we’ve had full groups. I can also go off and do that alone. This is a huge benefit especially during S4 where most people have lost interest and are playing other games while waiting for TWW.

The game doesn’t punish players for wanting to do stuff themselves. The MMO aspect for many is just that there are lots of other players around. Not that they are forced in any way to have to play with them if they don’t want to.

Some just like the open world or content they can do on their own, whether that be follower dungeons or old content they can solo. Others will pug but not need to be with a regular group of players they know. Some will just mix and match. They are all WoW players. Some players won’t do any aspect of the game unless they are with a friend. The game embraces everyone.

It’s their sub, they can play the way they want.


I think the major problem with torghast was the fact that we kinda had to do it to get our legendary items =Grind also it was to repetitive not enough change of scenery as you climbed levels etc…

Delves are a huge step in the right direction and im looking forward to doing them they have potential to become even better in the future.

That wasn’t an issue for me. I like a grind; when the end goal is worth it.
But I simply didn’t enjoy the gameplay; just mobs standing around in an ugly, depressing environment; I didn’t want to be there. But, 90% of the aesthetics in Shadowlands just wasn’t my thing at all; so there’s that.


I hope so, I really do. But I’m worried.
All these heroic raiders (including several streamers) complaining that delves aren’t challenging enough and such; well yeah, they’re not meant for heroic raiders.

They should just refrain of commentary, because they’re damaging the system for the people that delves are actually meant for.

That’s another big part of my worry; that the system’s going to be ‘claimed’ by try-hards, by raiders who want it as an extra way to pad their gear, etc.


Well i hope blizzard dont do that delves should be easy and fun imo or mabye have an option to increase the difficulty level but not give any benefits for doing so.

mabye we could do some delves in the war within if you are up for it would be nice to meet you in game tah.

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I’m guessing that’s what Delves level 9-13 are for. :wink:
There’s no gear advantage for doing anything past level 8.

I’m flattered. I’ll likely do stuff solo though at first; I like doing things at my own pace.

But… Amonet has been asking me to join a forum group doing mythics (which I won’t do), and I proposed maybe trying to get a forum group for delves in TWW; that might be fun down the line. So, that could be an option. :blush:

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Torghast we had power disparity. Some classes got super fun and OP powers, other classes were meh. Then we had that competitive system to complete them etc. Similar to what they are doing with Delves they put limits in to make you fail and gave floors a scoring system to determine your success rate etc.

They were just insanely boring to complete. Guild discovered it was quicker and easier for us to have a monk tank who got stupid powers and the rest of us were just his entourage following him around picking everything up. Tedious gameplay.

I think delves will be similar in that regard. But I play BM hunter, so I’m not worried about my personal experience in that regard. :sweat_smile:

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When I play solo, I make my friends join W0W. :smiley:

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I suppose you’re right, everything you said makes sense.

I think being unable to find a " meaningful guild"

Or at the very most a guild which i gelled with.

Is a big reason why my activity with the game declined.

I think a lot of guildless people have that problem, it can be quite hard finding a guild with enough people who share your wow goals, especially if you don’t raid, m+ or PvP.

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