Solo Players

Especially as a vanilla player and casual.

Most guilds from my experience joining them since BFA are very focused on raiding or mythic+.

Which is fine but the social is always lacking and as a vanilla player its the social which made this game.

My guild died halfway during Cata because the GM got it into her head that she could make a top end raiding guild. Most of the guild didn’t want that they wanted to do what I was doing, casual achievement runs and social, hanging around in guild chat for hours on end.

That all ended when the GM brought in a raider who decided he could dictate to the guild what they were doing. My last night was during an ICC 25 mount run, the GM and her raider came online and "burst into the raid saying that the raid had to be broken up so the raiders could log in to their alts to gear up.

I still remember saying “This was the night I arranged two weeks ago for people to sign up and get ready for a mount achievement run. I haven’t spent time researching achievement tactics just to throw it all away because you want to gear alts”

Which of course set them both off with “Our raid is more important”.

“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. This is the raid night I organized weeks ago and everyone who wants their mount is here.”

They then offered to help.

And deliberately sabotaged “Been waiting a long time for this”

(If you know that achievement you’ll know how much of a pain it was even in early Cata.)

So I let the raid dissolve.

And left the guild.

Two days later I’m being blamed for her marriage break up…

Ever since then I’ve been very wary of guilds.


Was never that bad for me fortunately.

I was vocal in the guilds i joined but as far as turmoil, i kind of sat back n watched.

A few times i did call people out for being just horrible people, that got me in trouble a couple times, but sooner or later they always came around to see my actions were valid in the end.

In fact last guild i was in i called a guy out for being horrible and selfish, that guy was much loved in the guild so naturally i was alienated and bitrated for a while.

Eventually though i got my told you so moment when the very same person killed the guild.

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I will give everyone a tip when it comes to guilds.

Before I moved to the States me and my missus set up a guild. It was very social but we allowed people to go hardcore raid or pvp if that’s what they wanted, just don’t bring any drama back.

When we moved we didn’t know how long it would take to get our subs back because we were pretty much broke so before we left we gave control to someone we thought we could trust.

When the time came and we could get back online, we were already kicked out and the guild had lost over 80% of members and my in game mail was jammed full of ex guildies telling me what was going on.

If you are a gM, never EVER give control of your guild to another person unless you intimately know them.

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Wow you have not had any luck with guilds then i have myself had a few bad experiences but getting a guild destroyed while you was away must not have been a nice feeling.

I play on stormscale server but im not too sure its good for guilds only had bad experiences

It was a long time ago but I’ve never forgotten it. What’s worse my missus gave up WoW because she spent so much time just sitting “skinny-dipping” in the pond at the back of SW with all the guildies chatting that it knocked all sense of fun out of it for her.

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Took me a while to put it together, but the first Loremaster iteration drove me this way as well. Kalimdor in particular was very optimistic, requiring practically all quests to be done - later loosened. I eventually used an add-on EveryQuest.

It gave me a lot of insight, seeing the world. And the result of begging for dungeon groups yielded friendships and finding a really nice guild.

I like dungeons, too, although there is little time to marvel, not now, not back then. Solo visits to them a few levels later helped, WLK pally was amazing for it. This kind of content requires hybrids, works well in GW2 season 1, too (Scarlet).

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I have heard that some quests have hidden appearances and transmoggs that do not show in the collectors journal is that true ?> also ggs on that achievment that is one hell of a lot of quests

Also im going to download that add on because i have also heard you can make some serious gold going around and doing quests in wow.

Appearances: Don’t know really, but it’s possible that old quests rewarded old items with appearances that aren’t available with Cataclysm.

Some appearances have also been simply updated, of early robes I think we’re at the 3rd iteration at least (higher detail, somewhat 3D).

I don’t think EveryQuest is available anymore, but it is possible to strip down Questie to a bare minimum, doing roughly the same. (Unfortunately that add-on is completely backwards. It stores quest progression per account, but settings per character. Last I used it also failed to save a lot.)

In modern WoW you get rough quest markers these days, some side quests aren’t marked though. If you follow zone / story sequence you’ll experience the vast majority, super-side quests are rare now, most have some breadcrumbs, or at the very least placed in your way. Cataclysm in particular was said to be very linear.

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