Solo q wont fix any community problem we are having

Ok, this is turning into slander so one last reply:

Never once did I say any of that. And “capping at 1400” is a bit weird when people started on 1500 rating back in TBC. It was in wotlk when people started on 0 rating.

What I have said is that people can try out various things with less risk, and through the process of playing together you grow naturally invested in each other and less inclined to jump back into the group finder at the slightest sign of a problem. It’d still make it possible to give up, but it’d mean starting over again with the penalty games, which would motivate a lot more people to instead overcome problems instead of automatically giving up as soon as they appear.

Almost nobody is equal in skill. But I’ve never said “everyone should play with everyone”. You’ve completely misunderstood everything if you truly think so.
But playing together often leads to a normalizing effect, basically creating a natural path for teamwork to grow so everyone gets familiar with what they need to do.

You’d still have the freedom to pick who to play with. But you wouldn’t be so quick to give up when you’re already invested. That’s literally all it would do.

Let’s see if words worked this time. But I’m giving up on you, it’s like talking to a monkey.