… You don’t even understand what has been said. That shows you didn’t even understand plain text. Go read it again. All of it. To start with, you’re talking about this:
Official petition for SOLO Rated Que - #176 by Bewarê-frostmane which you don’t even understand. Read it. Again. In full.
Nope, all you did was stop answering the things that got countered. You literally stopped mentioning anything about it once what you said got countered, and reverted straight back to your own narrative while “magically” acting like the counters was never mentioned.
Meanwhile, I’ve spent a lot of button presses to go over it in painstaking detail to explain things, but words doesn’t seem to get through to you.
Oh, and the funny part about your counterarguments is that they were mostly irrelevant blanket statements that didn’t even touch upon what was said in the first place, with the only actual counterargument you’ve tried to rely on being GW2. Which has been debunked already, many times over.
To summarize your way of thinking, is that it’s like you’re incapable of understanding the many systems in place revolving around rated solo queues, so you fail to understand simple things like what’s in place to combat social toxicity in those games, and what’s in place to protect the reward scheme integrity as well as the intricate details involved in matchmaking.
As I’ve told you many times over already, it’s NOT SIMPLE.
Yes, that’s a direct result of proper social design. You failing to understand it is not surprising. I hope other people would understand the process better than you at least.
It also prevents the queue timing exploit, and enables the same matchmaking pool as “premade groups” when the matchmaking is more intuitive for matching up teammates. The demerit basically isn’t there in the same way like that.
Btw for anyone curious, this is his history I’m talking about:
^ The back-and-forth in those threads shows he’s not really keen on reading things.
(It also shows him jumping between characters to post in the same threads, which is truly bizarre. For example, Solo q wont fix any community problem we are having - #28 by Liscc-the-maelstrom and Solo q wont fix any community problem we are having - #29 by Drtydana-stormscale are both him, yet he acted like he’s a new person for some reason. It’s seriously creepy. And then he went straight back to using the same arguments that had already been debunked earlier in the very same thread.)