Solo queue is needed

Solo queue and LFG queue would be seperated backets, its not like one would solo queue into premade teams.


I agree we need solo rated que. Spending hours in LFG tool just to not find any group because you are not playing S-tier meta class is not fun. I have pretty much given up on Rated PVP this season because of it.
Also as people say rating requirements on PVP gear is not good idea we are already limited by how much conquest we get per week where 2H weapons cost 3,5 weeks worth of conquest. People playing high rated will still be able to gear faster thru weekly vault giving them extra item where casuals at least would have some kinda of progression and be able to reach full gear towards mid to late season.


or if you do get invited
they play bad lose like bots
and keep doing that each game

lets have leechers bots afks in their own bgs
aka solo q doesnt have any of them
only real players and the participation will be huge

I mean almost every other blizzard multiplayer game have rated solo que, other MMOs have rated solo que haven;t heard what’s blizzard reasoning to not implement one in wow.

well i hate it when ppl who join rated bgs epics and brawls
do it for free honor from lost games
and dont care to win
why is this attitude encouraged

They already have all the systems in place from dungeon solo queue.

Make it default to 1/3/6 and only match them up against other solo queue players.

Also add balancing via MMR / CR / ilvl even if it prolongs queues.

I don’t see how anyone can be against this. It enables casual players to jump in for a quick romp without going through the tedious lfg process, including cr and ilvl checking your whole team to protect your rating from tanking b/c ppl lied on their application.


I approve, would be real relaxing just being able to jump into a game whenever I want like I do in LoL or Apex Legends. No long waiting. No cross-examination/job interview to get accepted into a group.

Some people have also mentioned that rating reqs for gear upgrades should be removed, and while I tend to agree with peoples argument we must also acknowledge that this would make PvP gearing even more OP for PvE players forcing them into PvP even more which is already a complaint on that side of the isle. Probably need an unique pvp stat on the gear. Also, might be fine if there is a small upgrade you could still aquire above 2100 rating, example everyone being able to upgrade your pvp items to around 220 ilvl while people above 2.1k can still get that 226 as that tiny ilvl difference would be marginal.


The stat versatility is the pvp stat isnt it? Is there any class and spec in the game that wants versatility for pve?

Anyway if people would rather go to pvp to get gear if equal gear was obtainable in pvp. Doesnt that really mean that people would rather pvp than go to instances if both gave the same level of gear?

It’s an odd thing I believe giving out all these things to do ingame and letting players know if you do the wrong things in game you will prob not enjoy the game or perhaps even be part of the “special club”. You will not be accepted and invited and you will be forced to leave unless you like to play like the underdog and still pay the same.

Its not really desired for most specs in PvE from what I know but I don’t know much about PvE to be honest. But the high ilvl of the item gives it a lot more primary stats and vers is by no mean useless in PvE so a lot of PvErs are PvPing because it offers easy gear.

And I don’t agree those people just enjoy PvP more, a lot of people will just go for the most efficient way to aquire gear.

Very true I belive but the “best” players will still optimize everything. Put more time into learning the game and the classes and they would still have better result than the avarage casual player. But if they also have 20k+ more hp and allot more damage in pvp and pve ontop of that making the gap way to large. It’s a big diffrence now and It will be so much more noticeable the longer the expanssion progress. It won’t be good for anyone, not Blizzard, not the player base. But then again thats my point of view.

I don’t disagree that the gap between the geared players and ungeared players is too large at all, we are in total agreement. But that is also an issue of ilvl inflation caused by excessive amounts of raid difficulties and stuff which pvp gear just mimics so PvE gear isnt the strongest in PvP.

I see your point. But I personally really don’t mind if people want to do pve to gear up and then go to pvp and feel good about their achievements rocking good gear for for both pvp and pve. That is actually my point I belive that we should get rewarded for playing and play the way we want to play. We pay and get rewarded for our dedication of time ingame rather than having higher values for certain activities. Sounding like a socialist

Maybe, but the issue arise when one side is vastly superior for gearing. At least in BFA people were really upset about having to spam PvE for gear in PvP since the PvP gearing system was so awful, and these people mainly enjoy the PvP aspect of the game so they were not having a good time. Now the situation seems reversed to a degree and PvP offers a lot more determined rewards with a PvP item vendor and an abscence of one for PvE content. There really needs to be a better balance of gear aquisition imo.

Im also a solo player for the past 4 years, since my friends stop playing. I agree with the solo queues, and im one of those guys that bust my keyboard on bgs not only by playing but also telling people what to do, what better way to win the game. Yes im one of those leaders wannabes and i play solo. On my alts that are undergeared i farm honor by simply doing epic bg´s where your gear matter less, once i hit 184 with full regular pvp gear i start doing normal bg’s. Once i hit the 197 ilvl honor gear thats it, got no motivation for going ranked, because its alot of time consuming finding the right partner to queue for 2s or 3s.


I can see that and I agree totally. More drops in pve dungeons and raids might be a good idea. But don’t lock people out from good gear if they don’t want to group up and join voice chats and so on. Some reward for being dedicated suffering other people on voice chat might be a good idea but the gap is not a good thing I belive. They could make singleplayers dungeons like thorhast with the option to play together and hand out higher rewards if they really want people to struggle to get high item level items and feel accomplished and so on.

That’s getting a bit off topic but I think, ever since the inception of this game group activiy has always been required for the highest rewards this game offers and I don’t see any issue with that. Moving back on topic I do wish they improve the ability to jump into the action of the game quicker tho, mythic+ dungeon finder, solo que for arena rbg etc.

This topic isnt about removing incentives to do group content or remove rewards from group content. Its about how the groups are made, and having a solo queue is far better than LFG for a huge part of the wow playerbase.

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Solo queue is required for wow at this point, people don’t mind waiting an hour while the game is fresh but people will burn out quickly if they cant actually play the game.

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Yes, wow as it is now is such a time sink and at times it feel more like a part time job than a game where one can just log in and have fun while at the same time having any meaningful progress to ones own character.


It will happen,and it happened in another mmo game,and it keeps happening for past 7 years.

Wow is no better nor different.