Solo queue is needed

What’s to stop players from grouping up before the map starts in solos? The answer is nothing. So your argument is flawed.

if you queue as a solo player you cant sudddely group. One get the 60 seconds or whatever one get inside the arena/bg before game start to do any tactic plans and thats it. Thats the whole point, its solo and grouping is not possible.

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The answer is that solo queue and team queue are two different queues. This is always the case.

If you group up, you go into a team queue. If you don’t group up, you go into a solo queue.

You are welcome.


They could solve that if they added something like hours spent or kills in BG’s and RBG/week will make it possible to buy gear at the end of the week or something. That way people have to invest time to be rewarded with the gear.

It’s not flawed it’s an opinion type of thing. If you don’t feel motivated to play a game you really like you have to start finding out why. And I belive anyone have the right to give feedback and share points of view without others being triggered. If you don’t understand how we feel just walk away. Nothing will prob change because of this thread anyway.

This is only the case for fluctuations at low ratings. 1300 people getting to 1500 due to lucky matchmaking etc.

In GW2 which is a lot smaller than wow ofc, i never see new players at ok ratings. 100% of the players at plat + are veterans in pvp. Its impossible to get there by being lucky.

If 4 or 5 players from the same realm are placed in the solo queue, what then?

Nothing, they were not in a group so they are not a group. The chance of them being a group and gaming the system into getting them into the same bg is negligible if enough people participate.

Beeing from the same realm does not mean one know each other or are in group. Also, as the name solo queue implies: joining as a group would not be possible.

I agree that solo q can be good idea, but nobody will create a separate mm for solo q vs solo q, it’s just silly. U will be placed vs all kinds of teams- solo and groups alike.

And guess what? You will find your self again at that forum- whining that u are stomped by guys from lfg group, end of the story.

All they need to do is remove the rating requirements on pvp gear. It would still take allot of time to get full conquest gear wihout RBG and arena. So there would be a quite large gap anyway. But atleast more people would enjoy a more fair “play ground”. And the gap wouldn’t be so large.


This! I can’t upgrade anything because of this so I have really nothing to look forward to anymore.

Remove the rating requirements!

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No for solo queue.

Have you ever played Swtor? They have solo queue ranked, and I’ve never seen anything that toxic.

Yes it will be toxic…far more less than people buying boosts…hell even content creators buy boosts…OPENLY.
You know what’s toxic?? That’s toxic.
I think we have enough toxicity already…

Take a deep breath and try again.

We don’t really care if you don’t want it tho, as you already don’t have it nor would you need to use it if they simply implemented a solo v solo queue. Toxicity is everywhere in this game already so using that as a reason to not want something that wouldn’t even effect you is kinda clutching at straws but for the life of me I can’t figure out why you’re even clutching at them. You don’t hear me saying ‘nah arenas are toxic get rid of them’ cos they don’t interest or concern me and so I am happy for whatever happens in arenas, to happen in arenas… my game still stays the same.

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Why u don’t played team ranked. If we back in days nobody did TR, coz afraid faced with Roudy team. Nowdays as i know a lot of players do TR, coz they farming resources. Solo ranked is option, nobody forced you to do it when u have separated with TR.

I like when people have nothing useful to say…then they throw a smart oneliner…
If you haven’t got an answer…there is 2 words describing what you should do…be actually smart and do it…!

Oh, this is ironic as hell.

I asked you something and you throw me a random one liner…if i am wrong please explain me where i was wrong…
Isn’t it toxic…to be able to buy your way to gear titles etc. ? But it will be toxic…to be able to work to it yourself…without having to wait 2 hours in an lfg…where they ask you a rating that they don’t even have if you check them?