Solo queue literally never pops

I’m so glad everybody can agree. Really leaves me non-confused as to whether I should even continue to bother…


I really hope you’re right on this one, gonna try tonight if requeue works.

It’s not like it’d be the first prepatch with a messed up matchmaking system (Blizzard and their “off seasons”…), but I think what matters most is what DF s1 will look like. It begins on December 14th, so there’s just a couple of weeks left now. Soon time for the release of DF as well.

Eh, I was queuing DPS at the same time as a friend last night. I managed to play 3 games before his queue popped, there has to be a bug with it or something.

It’s most likely a mixture out of bugs and healing being so miserable that nobody wants to play it. I have instant queues as healer but it’s so unfun and frustrating that I barely queue anymore and only play casually with friends.

Thing is though, from what I’ve seen through my years, the matchmaking system matches people up before it has found a full group. Then it can move people out of this “pre-selection” sometimes, in favor of other groups, and so on.
But there are cogs in the background designed to “average out” queue times.

Honestly, what I suspect is that there might be issues in the invisible “cogs in the machine”, that’s designed to match people up. And the timing of when it started going like this according to what people have been saying on the forum, was when they made those changes to tanks.

Don’t get me wrong though, tanks should stay gone. But mechanisms involved in achieving an “average wait time” for players on a macro scale, involves the rating spread of players queuing and what the system then is designed to think is best to achieve an average.

Easiest way to explain it is by using an example of a very small scale:
So imagine you’ve got 10 players. One 200 rated. Then another 400 rated. 600 rated. 800 rated. So on and so forth until 2k.
But what if the system would only start with a matchmaking range of ±50 rating in the search parameters? It’d then take a while for the parameters to expand by spending time in the queue, until it starts to consider those players as players that should be matched with each other.

So what if the system would already have figured that out from the start, and therefore start with ±100 in matchmaking parameters, with it favoring matching every 400 rating with someone who’s lower rated? It’d then have achieved an instant queue (not using roles as part of this example). (Also, I meant it as 1v1, for the sake of simplicity. Forgot to specify that.)

Now imagine intricacies like this, but in a much larger scale as well as way more complex, and designed to have tanks face each other. And then mess with it by making non-prot pala tanks only be able to have max 1 in a shuffle.

But then also include the norm that Blizzard doesn’t tend to have a normal MMR system for prepatches for some reason, ever since off seasons started.

A lot of things could’ve gone wrong in many places, by them doing the changes that they did. We all hope they counter these things before it going live, but we should all be aware of Blizzard’s track record already.

and it can only get worse, when tanks will be queued as dps its going to get even longer.

Usually I get an invite after 25-30 minutes. 2500+ mmr and 24xx CR. I canceled my sub yesterday because I will monitor that first, before I re-sub. 30 min queue time is just unacceptable at this point. Also… Brawls don’t EVER pop, even after HOURS of waiting. I am Horde of course.

Impossible to get anything going, and on TOP of all that, 30 min queue then you go in, win 5/6 and some doofus leaves… zero rating gain. Thanks Blizz for wasting my time, which seems the only metric they are about nowadays, in how much time can we waste out of a player a day.

There’s a solution to this problem: play a healer. By queueing as dps you are only contributing to the problem.

What a lame comment, you didn’t even consider that people MIGHT play more than one character? I do play a healer, since 2005 actually. Just FYI mr. smarta**.

So you wanna tell every dps main to play healer? What an awesome solution dude. How about Blizzard fixes their damn game so healers are encouraged to play the game? A bit to much to ask for your underveloped comprehension skills, I guess?

Thanks for giving me a reason to hate tanks even more.

Genius! Why everyone didn’t think about that earlier!

Maybe because play double spec is brutally expensive in terms of grind, leggos, etc etc?
Maybe because someone do not want to play healer?
Maybe because many classes are dps only?

Took between 3-5min for me yesterday in the afternoon/evening as DPS.

Who would want 1-2 DHs drooling them to death all match every match while desperately trying to get a cast off. Personally would not play a healer, even if Blizzard paid me cash for it.

They really, really need to fix this. Giving minus 150 rating to the leaver isn’t enough - they need to make the MMR adjustments that would’ve happened from the amount of games won it lost up to that point. It sucks, yeah, but it’s easily more fair than just forgetting the games ever happened.

I’ve played DPS for 18 years. I’d rather quit.

And I probably will. I’m planing to focus on M+ because ain’t nobody for time for PvP in this game when it’s like this. And it’s not as if PvP being in some state of hilariously broken is new anyway. Just figured I’d give it another chance since I was a big time PvP’er from 2006 to 2015, but if it’s going to be like this it’s just literally a waste of time.

There’s an exploit to leave without getting punished at all as well, so there’s that too. But it’s kinda off-topic to be talking about the leaver problem in this thread, isn’t it?

I already play a healer. And I also get 20 min+ queues.
I play DK.

That’s a nice healer.

You mean /camp ? That only works for not getting deserter, you still get minus rating now. If you meant that ofc. People getting deserter or not is meaningless anyway, they just log on another character and keep playing there or make a pause and come back later doing the same sheet.

-150 rating is okay. The issue is, those with these inflated mega Egos are more interested in effing others over so they don’t get any rating… and then it doesn’t matter if its -150 or -500. They get their satisfaction out of effing others over… hence the reason why they rage quit in the first place. Inflated Egos, effing others over and destroy their fun = main characteristics of cheaters, too.

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You sure? Because it doesn’t show rounds lost when doing it. I guess the rating lost is just a flat -150 then, without it adding 6 rounds lost?

Yes, I did it yesterday on my Priest and I lost 150 rating. I wanted to know if people still get away with it or not, otherwise I would have made a ticket about it. You actually don’t get any rounds lost to your stats somehow, just flat rating lost.