Give healers extra rating in solo shuffle

It did end up like that, yes but it shouldn’t. That’s the point. You are simply assuming it works as intended. I argue it’s not, based on my experience while actually knowing my matches, wins and losses.

Your experience is meaningless when you don’t understand what leads to differences in points gained and lost. Which you’ve proven that you don’t.

Ye right… I understand nothing… my wins and losses have absolutely nothing to do with the mmr. Brilliant.

I never said it has nothing to do with the MMR. I’ve explained the exact opposite. What you’re doing is assuming it has nothing to do with the MMR, and instead blame it on a non-existent bug.

But I’ll do you a solid and explain your picure too, which you linked to above:

As explained already, when it says “your matchmaking value” it refers to your team’s matchmaking value. As in the average MMR of you and the other 2 in your party at the time, which is when it ended in that picture.

Meanwhile, why you didn’t gain any rating with 4 rounds won, was because you gained little per win when you did win, and lost a lot when you lost, due to the MMRs of those rounds.

Blizzard even explains it clearly themselves:

You said my experience is meaningless because I don’t understand how points are gained and lost. Apparently I don’t know what winning is good for and what happens when I lose.

What you fail to understand is that I argue it can’t be intentional to have such a non sense matchmaking where the system puts you in a group of players, as healer, and expects you to win, let’s say 1-2, matches in a specific setup while otherwise there is no rating gain.

Because of crap like this:

Simply put, the spread of ratings in a shuffle becomes too wide quite often. Which can only be fixed by Blizzard tuning those annoying mechanisms to become more strict, but you’d likely see an impact on queue times if they did that.
(The quoted text is taken out of context, it was mainly about time spent in queue.)

So I just played three shuffles. First two I won 4/6 and got like 30 rating each. My MMR should increase, correct? Third one I queue into some low cr people and win 5/6 get 0 rating. There is no way this is intended. You should not be queued into low cr people, not being allowed to lose in order to just not lose rating while not being able to win anything.


Yes, most likely.

Their CR doesn’t matter, what matters is their MMRs. However, about if it’s intended or not, it’s like this by design, not due to a bug.

Reason for why it happens, is as explained in the big quote. It’s prioritizing queue times over realistically viable matchmaking parameters. As you said yourself, you got 0 rating from 5 rounds won, so it accepted matching you up with a group of people where you could only win rating by winning all 6 rounds. So with that as the proven acceptable matchmaking requirement, it accepts a far too wide rating spread.

This is why I’ve been saying it’s flawed in other threads. That doesn’t mean it’s bugged though.

thats definetly not right. How can this be logical when you dont even have a fix team in the shuffle since your shuffle with all dps.

“Your matchmaking value” is exactly what it says. Your Matchmaking Value. Every player has its own and based on that the Match Avarage mmr is calculated.

Every player has their own MMR in the normal ladder too. Everyone has had their own MMR ever since they removed arena teams.

I’ll admit, I wrote that pretty fast and just went with it, but the wall of text just increases further if you have to examine that part. Which I figured people wouldn’t wanna read, but ok, let’s go down that rabbithole too.

Now, that’s a pretty recent change in the MMR displays in the scoreboard, and to figure out what it is, you’d have to go by MMR differences from round to round in relation to the rounds you’ve won/lost.
(If it doesn’t show any difference after every round, then you can assume it’s only your own that’s shown.)
If it jumps up or goes down when it shouldn’t in relation to your wins/losses, then it’s the team’s, but even if it only moves a little bit after each round and follows consistently with your wins/losses then it can still be the team’s MMR if the rating spread in the shuffle is close to equal between everyone.

So on and so forth. You’d also have to keep an eye on the match average, if it moves or not after each round, to determine if MMRs gets affected after each round depending on wins and losses. It also matters how much it moves after each round.

And then to explain the questions they asked way up above, following this line of thought, it instead falls upon the impact of streaks.
And to explain that, the wall of text would become even larger.

Whats shown is a text that says “Your MMR Value” and you make the assumption, its the teams mmr, while this makes 0 sense since there is no fix teams and the text litterly says.

“YOUR MMR Value” and not “your avarage Team MMR value”

“When a player enters a match, we determine the expected performance of players in the match based on player matchmaking rating (MMR)”

This is the key. While the upper mmr is actually your mmr, so your expected performance rank.

And when the avarage mmr is like 200 rating higher than yours, its definetly clear that you are the lower end that pulls the avarage mmr down.

So in the end calc of 3:3 with the games expection to have a lower win ratio, cause of beeing the one with the lowest mmr, on 3:3 he shouldve gotten rating.

The avarage mmr is litterly 200rating higher. There is no way that anyone has lower or even much lower mmr than him.

The part “your matchmaking value” also doesnt change over the rounds and is the mmr and your expected performance. And its 200 lower than the avarage of all members.


I get that you’re German, but just to be clear, English is funny in the way that it can mean both your team and your own, when it only says “your”. So getting hung up on the way it’s phrased, will do you no good.

Just that it would be completly pointless to show your teams mmr in a mode where teams get shuffled and at the end the information would be completly irrelevant and your calculation has no meassurement and your calculated rating gain could be complete arbitrariness.

Thats why it must be your personal mmr value. Everything else would make no sense and would be pointless.

Also they would write like “your current team mmr value”

Also the fact that it diesnt change throughout the games, what should happen cause your team changes, is the evidence to it beeing your own mmr value


Your team, as in the party you’re in for that round in shuffles, is matched against the opposite team. It has nothing to do with it being solo shuffle.
And I already told you English is a funny language that can imply either one by it being phrased like that.

So to figure out what it is, you’d need to test it in the ways explained above.

And all of this just makes it needlessly complicated to explain what they asked and blame on bugs.

i already watched the “your mmmr value” part over the diffrent rounds in a shuffle and it didnt change.


So it doesn’t change after each round? Alright, then it’s safe to assume it’s showing your own.

But then comes the annoying part about how streaks affects it, their previous streaks (including everyone else in their shuffles and their streaks & previous streaks), and how it’s applied after the shuffle has ended. It only gets more complicated.

well, win streaks skyrocket your mmr. So winstreaks are already calculated by rapidly increasing your own mmr within the next sholo shuffle games

Not exactly, it’s about how stable the deviation value is. Which in turn affects MMR changes. Which in turn affects CR gains and losses.
For example, win 5 in a row and then lose 5 in a row, with no previous history (and we’re skipping the placement games for this example) then you’d likely end up roughly where you started.

But win 10 in a row, and lose 5 in a row, then you’d likely end up not where you were when you were still on a 5-win streak. Get it?

Your own MMR vs. the opponents’ MMR still affects this in smaller detail, but essentially, streaks have an impact on CR gains and losses, just by them being streaks. And how that’s applied in shuffle, is still somewhat of a mystery, due to how the rounds don’t count until after the shuffle is finished.

depends on the enemy mmr. But this is the effect that is caused by skyrocketing mmr.

With each win in a streak, your mmp increase will get more and more

win nr:

1 + 50mmr
2 + 60mmr
3 + 80mm
4 +120mmr
5 +150mmr
6 + 200mmr
7 + 250mmr


And at the end point you loose like 3 you dont drop the same amount of mmr you increased at that point. you start lose mmr like you gained at the early point.
only 50mmr then 60 etc.

This effect will bring that what you said.

win 10 in a row and 5 afterwards, you end up higher cause of that.

The underlying mechanism that’s causing that, is the deviation value. Which you can read all about, by checking out the Glicko systems.

See what I mean by how it just ends up more complicated now?