They’re people who find one another in premade groups and play together. If told that they can queue without looking for the premade group, a plenty of them just might do that.
Melee cleaves are the simplest to play. They require less coordination. Simpler spell cleaves will probably exist too. Anything that requires coordination won’t exist in soloqueue, though. So you’re excluding specs whose win condition is doing setups. You’re probably not much of an arena player if you cannot see that.
Yes it would. Removing difficulty levels would in fact boost participation in organized raiding becouse desire to see content is there and its biggest motivator to keep playing game. Sorry to tell you but in current aceasible raiding leas than 10% of all players engage in organized raiding above LFR. Which is way way lower than in past less acessible expansions.
You are too focused on arena. I would want soloqueue for battlegrounds. Objective-based gameplay, not the focus on getting a kill. And in soloqueue there wouldn’t be comps the way there are in premade pvp content. It would be a different game for a different audience. It would be less an e-sport and more a game:) All classes can contribute and would have different strenghts and weaknesses. It would be good for the game, for the game to be a game:)
I am literally includig every possible spec. Premade content excludes anything that is not fotm or considered strong.
Your proposition is that most people queueing arena right now, are people that don’t really want to be doing it. I believe this is false. And if it is true, then you would only have to fight people whose hearth is really in it. It would increase the quality of your opponents!! Your e-sport would become MORE of an e-sport. You would not have to waste time killing noobs:)
You must be a god in arena, to be so wise and therefore you should want the “baddies” to go do soloqueue. You can fight gladiators day and night then. Is that not the dream for someone like you?
While 2v2 might work to an extent, RBG is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, you could get to 2.4k, but that rating would mean absolutely nothing if you’d lose 10/10 from a premade 2.4k team.
For RBGs… sure. Go for it. I am focused on arena because a whole lot of those soloqueue demands do also include adding solo-queue arena. Or even solely solo-queue arena. So, of course, that is what I am going to talk about.
The ‘weakness’ of a spec’s entire design and damage profile not allowing for winning games with sustain pressure and instead relying on precise setups to get its kills is one that will lead to its non-viability in a soloqueue system. You cannot expect random people to do the proper setups, so if your spec doesn’t provide zug-zug kill damage, you’ll have a hard time winning games.
You can often make specs perceived as weak and non-meta work by picking a synergistic composition for them that will cover for their weaknesses and capitalise on whatever strengths they have. WoW arena relies a lot on the synergies, more than you would think. You cannot just put a couple of random specs together and expect them to work well. Diminishing returns on CC exist, different damage profiles (burst/sustain-oriented) exist.
If you get any two high-pressure melees+rshaman teamed up against for example fire mage + bm hunter + disc priest (and all of those are meta right now, for the record), there’s more or less no chance the second team wins unless they’re significantly better than the opponents.
No, it won’t. Casters won’t exist in such a bracket and anyone who dares queue with a mage or shadow priest in it will get called all sorts of horrible names for ‘tanking down people’s ratings’.
There’s a (quite wide) range of arena ratings that is neither the very novice nor the esports level. If a significant part of these players moves over to solo queue, I have no one to play with. The esports pros will be playing with each other (the difference between me and the blizzcon champs is probably larger than the one between you and me, in fairness) so I will have to either do soloqueue where the odds are stacked against my spec, or quit arena altogether.
2,4k rating you say?
why not solo queue to easy pug to 1800 just for legionnaire/knight captain and the replica tmog set from area 52+the weapons
the replica HWL sword and the replica GM for alliance are cool looking and can work with other sets
I think in past interviews, the developers have said they are not seeking to add solo queues for pvp content, despite the fact everyone wants solo queues, which is better than waiting like 20 to 50 minutes to join a pvp match.
Also: solo queue talks always somehow get derailed into pretending this is about 3v3 arenas. It isn’t. It is about rated bgs first and foremost. Then about 2s. And only then maaaaaaaybe about 3s, if the previous solo queues work (which they might not because sure, solo queues will add a positive thrust up, but the game in general and PVP in particular go down and they might go down faster than the solo queues go up).
That’s completely irrelevant. I’m sure people would love the same experience skirmish gives, getting teamed up with undergeared players or specs that don’t work. It would create an even worse toxic environment because of rating. Unless that whole systems gets an overhaul, which would make it more like an improved LFG system.
Imo rating doesn’t say much since you meet ‘‘greek gods’’ in challenger already nowadays, no new player just the good old elite trashing anyone in S-tier combinations, i hardly doubt a PvP future without soloqueue since its the surpreme system, it might not feel as
‘‘VIP’’, a noteworthy aspect in a subscription based game, but,
you cannot have the game coexist with the mindset of excluding player in LFG which is my main ground for the soloqueue perspective, my spec died and it was not because of the removal of crane
I’d say european cr is worth 2 much since you don’t have the new player / casuals who would usually push anyones rating, nowadays i view you as a ‘‘god’’ if you make it near rival
Guess what, anyone quit exept a couple gods who prevent you from getting near rival, the game is poorly designed, it really is,
if a new player faces the elite in S-tier combinations then you know the game is about to die, and soloqueue can prevent this, it is the modern system that attracts the new generation and the only possible future for WoW PvP