Solo Queue PVP

Hi there,

Will Blizzard add solo queue for rated PVP in the near future?

Are there any news about that?



No news, however I’ve read a lot of requests for Solo Queue but i still fail to see how this will improve rated pvp. I guess you wont spend hours in the LFG. But all the premades will farm you, how is that fun? Can somebody explain?

How about Solo queue being just soloque. No premade. If you want premade just do the regular group thingy.

WoW gameplay in a nutshell: 60% chores. 35% waiting for group. 5% actual gameplay.

We can’t simply just enjoy the things we actually play the game for.

The LFG is complete trash. Instead of overhouling it next patch they just put a bandaid on it and called it a day. Too much work apperently for a billion dollar company. Too busy cubicle crawling :kissing_heart:.

As you know how the devs respond. Everything is impossible to implement. Just like covenant swapping they said was technologically impossible.

Most games have some form of soloque for years with no problem. But no. In WoW it is too impossible :clown_face:. It’s just ridiculusly pitful listening to the excuses for so many years.

Give us the game we pay for or they can shove it up their ar!se.


So sweaty mode for casual BGs/skirms? This will be hilarious :D. Or you know we could just remove the rating gate from pvp gear and have some fun in BGs/ skirms as we used to have?

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You are not really following any kind of strategy at lower rating. You are not actually doing objectives properly at lower rating. You don’t know how to rotate between players at lower rating. You don’t know when or how to properly float between bases at lower rating. You are not really playing real PvP in random BG. Random BG is not how real battlegrounds are played.

Do you really think there is any point in queuing in to random BGs when most players do not know basic strategy. Have actually played any competetive PvP at all?

Most rated BG players do not care much about gear. They care about having a satisfying match and of course win.

From your post it is blatantly obvious that you have no clue why people enjoy rated play.

oh did you know ppl ignore tactics in rated just like unrated pvp
they rather fight on roads and pad dps meters
and thats why i dont bother with getting legionnaire
sub rogues bots noobs and ppl who join to farm honor for losses for their so called pvp weekly
ah yes and not calling incs and interrupting healers

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yeeey someone finally said it :smiley:


Or at least, not more than 3 players in a group when joining.

PvP does need queuing; but it also needs much better matchmaking, needs to not start when one team is 7/10, and have smarter application of gear scaling.

Best suggestion; gear should be scaled DOWN to match the bracket you’re playing in. High gear allows you to be at the cap for the bracket, but you can’t tank your MMR and farm lowbies with your gladiator set. Or if you can then it’s about skill not gear, and that’s completely acceptable.


The same folks queueing random bgs will queue up for rated solo. So im not sure what your point is.

If you enjoy rated you will end up queue with a group, else you will get headache for days.

I want solo queue because I can’t go rated without a group and everyone in LFG is declining me.

Basically, I want to have a change to climb the ladder to get the PVP rewards. (you get no rewards for normal)


I don’t know why anyone would want to play PvP in WoW. It’s awful.

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Then dont play? silly comment


You’re not really following any strategy at any rating in this game as far as PvP goes.

I tried PvP early on in the expansion. It was literally filled with boomkins who just press convoke and then they either won or lost depending on if they got a full moon or not.

“Outplaying” in this game is having the most broken ability.

I know that you dont get decent rewards w/o rated play. I just dont think solo queue will fix the gearing problem for pvp players. They should just remove the rating requirements on pvp gear and let the players grind out the gear in pvp.

Wrong expansion. PVP in wow used to be fun and engaging. I spent hunderd of hours playing some BGs just for fun. But yeah, imho SL pvp is unfortunately complete garbage.



no, but they add a soloqueue for island expeditions next patch : D

if you want one you might want to spread the #soloqueue in the arena forums

like the americans are spamming the #SOLOQ

blizzard eventually will listen like they gave the pvp vendor back


its same as bots wiping/or leeching? in lfr same amount of awful
you get ppl trying their hc/mythic rl tactics with a pug which is not a good combo
and those who die because ignoring a specific mechanic/or soak and rather blame you because their logic is just"your dpz is bad for your item level"

same as lfg rbg pugs rl says the tactic max 2 people follow it rest could care less and fight on the roads
certain things like the given examples will be better and fun if bots/bads/honor leechers and ninja pullers cant queue/join said content and that might include m+ leavers somehow(i have bad experience with ppl leaving keys too and so do my friends/guidies)
if solo q we get i propose no big rate losses until you reach 1,8k

solo queue would only queue against other solos, how is that hard to understand? coordinated pvp will still exist like it is now alongside

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Would like to see a 1v1 soloQ arena. But the rankings would be class or maybe even spec specific for obivous reasons with certain specs being broken or big counters for other specs.

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I am not really supportive of this. It’s basically like asking to be able to solo queue for Mythic dungeons. If you want rated PVP, you should have it more organized, just like you would have it more organized with Mythic dungeons or raids.

I am against encouraging people to NOT team up with players in order to achieve higher goals.

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