Solo Queue PVP

Yes and if you would ever play solo Overwatch ranked queue you would know how frustrating and terrible experience it is. It works in games with what have big carry potencial where you can carry entire match by yourself. It doesnt work in role based games.

i think it may be more than that, i suspect many people are afraid of confrontation with a new partner, and would rather solo queue to have no obligation towards their fellow team mate. it’s illogical because there are lots of great people in LFG just looking for someone around their own level, to learn arenas with

You wont learn anything by playing solo, with 0 communication with other person with team comos what will not make any sense.

i agree, you need to be able to communicate at least after the battle, to discuss what went wrong, how to react in future etc. None of that would happen in solo queue. just zugzug and pray for the best

but in a random 2v2 dps matchup you do have a lot of carry potential

i don’t think this is a situation anyone wants though, i think that toxicity is inevitable if there’s a large skill gap between players. An inexperienced player that solo queues will probably end up with alot of flaming from their team mates. It’s better to just find someone your own level, and learn with them and hopefully at the same pace

WoW arena is too comp-based which will mean in your game’s outcome more or less being decided upon the moment both teams are put together and sent into the waiting room. A soloqueue ladder won’t allow setup comps to exist and it will just be a pressure zerg-fest with little to no strategy involved.

You think you do but you don’t, solo-queue advocates. :slight_smile:

You think you don’t, but you do! There is no reason for solo queue not to exist. It does not affect you at all. You can simply not play it. TBC does not affect me, I don’t play it. Others like it and play it, and that is fine! Currently, random bgs have become sort of rated content, only a very unfair one with bad rewards. Just give us solo queue rbgs with MMR (with a hidden modifier if you are geared, a duelist starts higher up the ladder than a newbie) and let us earn some rewards. Let us play devoid of boosting and MMR manipulation. Let us play the game for fun, tactics will evolve as people climb the ladder.
Currently, the barriers to entry are so high, no one will bother playing the game anymore. (evident in the numbers, check xunamate)

Insisting that people only can play the game according to e-sports rules is killing the game.

Splitting the playerbase up further with two separate arena ladders for soloqueue and premade will affect me and anyone else who doesn’t want to play in solo queue.

It won’t, people who like premade arena will still play it and people who don’t like it don’t play it enough to affect you. I doubt many gladiators will completely drop premade rated content, just because solo queue PVP exists … Unless solo queue turns out to be more fun, and they want to play the fun thing … which is good:)

Imagine mythic raiders complaining about heroic raiding existing … That would be quite silly right?:slight_smile:

It will affect everyone. Just like anything els. Just becouse you dont participate in certain content doeant mean you are not affected by its existence.

Get back templates and nobody would complain about boosting.

Can you please explain this? Maybe use an analogy?
People playing other games will affect you more than people playing another game mode.
Do m+ people affect your arena gameplay?? :slight_smile:

Its not silly. Exiatence of heroic raids reduce pool of players for mythic raiding and reduce desire to do mythic raiding aka path of least resistance. If i have less players to recruit to do mythic raising in fact affects you.

I would say it is the exact opposite. People have to start somewhere. Heroic raiding might get them interested in mythic raiding. You really think mythic guilds recruit LFR people?? :slight_smile:

Rank1s and high gladiators will stay, but a plenty of people sitting in the 1600-2200 rating range who do not have a team will at least temporarily make the switch. That’ll kill premade arena LFG, which will affect anyone who liked the premade ranked arena but did not have a set team. Queue times in what is the 1600-2200 range will also increase, since there’s less people queueing.

It will at most be fun for zug-zug melee cleaves, and will entirely disable most setup-based compositions from being able to play.

It would be reasonable to complain if heroic raids suddenly began giving you mythic gear, cutting edge, and mythic-only mounts. Rating from soloqueue will still be rating. You’ll get elite sets. You’ll get gear upgrade ranks. All that would be necessary for a functioning soloqueue system people keep demanding.

If there would be no heroic raiding, normal or lfr people would just start at mythic. You would have way more people to recruit and playerbase would not be fragment way it is now. People always puck path of least resistance to reach their goals so thus utopia that heroic somehow increases pool of players for mythic is total nonsense.

Sure dude:) People are not elitist at all. I mean you can just apply to a mythic guild with a couple of normal kills on your character …
Delusional much? If you would remove heroic raiding, you would literally cut off the supply of fresh blood for mythic raiding!!

And some people think heroic raiding is enough, that is fine. Imagine they remove all difficulties except mythic raiding … You really think that would increase the amount of players participating in mythic raiding?? Pretty sure the game would be bankrupt the next month:)

Inexperienced and experienced players get super flamed in lfg too, there’s no avoiding it

You really assume that people in the 1600-2200 rating, hate arena so much they would instantly quit when something else comes along? If they do, they don’t play now. Noone does the effort it takes to pug 2.1 when they hate playing the game, they quit:)
Most people in the 1600-2100 range are actual teams, just at a different skill level than gladiators etc…

It won’t be melee cleaves since everyone can queue up. So it will be a mix of the players queueing.

Make it a different color and leave out the gladiator mount. Just enable people to gear and have some fun:)