Solo shuffle leavers penalty

can we get rid of players getting 0 rating or currency just because someone else decided to /afk

whats the point, end the game give retrospective rating and currency to those who didnt rage quit, its esp annoying when it happens on last round.

between this and 20-30 min dps queues at time itll kill the game mode


Situations from 5 minutes ago:

2 out of 5 rounds won, we play sixth one

player of enemy team about to go down

match ends and everyone gets 0 rating, he propably left abusing system to not get loss.

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its so dumb, why couldnt they just give a literal solo queue 2s and 3s instead of this 6 game fiasco which gets exploited

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This is a glaring design fault. You want to push to the next bracket, you give it your all and are up 4-0 and BAM! 0 rating, 0 conquest.

The game doesn’t reward you for effort nor time spent.


Jep. It’s just very demoralizing to even get into Solo Shuffle. 17 minute queues as DPS, complete 4 rounds, person that loses all 4 just leaves because 0 rating and they dont lose anything.

its almost as annoying as winning 4/6 games and getting 0-5 rating increase

They really need to make the punishment a hell of alot harsher for leaves, ban them for 5 hours. Seriously punish them, 5 other people are getting punished harder than the leaver right now ands its a joke. Legit people wasting 5 other peoples time for 15-20 minutes… But hey, blizzard won’t do f all.

They have plans but don’t know when to implement them. Like you get the rounds you played counted.

The leaver gets an account wide deserter debuff.

i v made only 1 Solo Shuffle game and I was just confused when i v made 5 wins and on the 6th one of the enemy player just stend AFK and after we won again i recieved 0 rating… :slight_smile: How rofl is it? I was standing ins this quee like 15 or 20 mins. And then bams and nothing :slight_smile:

Try playing healer, it’s basically often 3/6 wins, sometimes I get 5 even 4 wins, I got 1-25 raiting, because my winrate is 50/50 so if I lose 1 game 2/6 I lose 60-40 raiting, if I win 3 matches, I get “Unchanged” if I win 4/6 I gain between 8-12 raiting, we might have fast queue, but it’s not any fun, that’s also why the queues are long, playing healer is pure hell.

Suggestion to fix the rating system in shuffle read the entire post for the details, but here’s a small quote from it about what it fixes:

check bluetracker gg

currently the mmr is bugged, don’t queue any arena now

That’s not really what it says though. All day people had been reporting bugged queues for PvE and PvP alike, no matter what you queued for, often with the queue not popping at all yet causing deserter debuffs on players, and people couldn’t queue for other stuff after having tried to queue for shuffle, while others sometimes loaded into the arena but then everyone in the shuffle got kicked out with a deserter debuff instantly, so on and so forth.

So after a whole day of people complaining about that for both PvP and PvE, they came with that blue post.

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