Solo Suffle killed the game

That’s fewer healers - not less.

Guess what! I got a fever for healing soffle and the only prescription is this thread needs more cowbell

the sound of cowbell on my mind after healing ppl on soffle for vault

i like to imagine it the two braincells of these players clashing on each other in their empty heads

That’s I not i; shuffle not soffle; that this thread needs, not “is this thread needs”; is more cowbell, not “more cowbell”.

u need moar borst to play solo soffle

This post reeks of resentment.

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That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever seen. I remember back in SL s1 when like after 1month after release, arena Qs were insanly long. Too many tryhards Andys were crying and most of the Q’s were like this :
“2.5k xp looking for good players”. What chance learning from rated pvp will have a new player when you see these idiots with their insane requests at 1.4k CR?
SoloShuffle saved rated pvp if you ask me. If we could have 2s solo shuffle (double dps) so we won’t wait too much for healers, that would be frickin insane.


I like Solo Shuffle. Its a good addition, that makes wow more modern. When I come home from work and don’t have time to schedule a coordinated team to play PvP, I can just solo shuffle, and it is great.

If they remove solo shuffle, then at the very least, balance BGs to have the same Dampening rules as Arena (so that classes are balanced in both areas), and let me queue up to Conquest maps only with the same win bonuses as random (Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, etc).

Only problem with Solo Shuffle is that often the loser becomes the easiest target to kill, and so its an exercise in making yourself less squishy, but still relevant. In regular 3v3, if one player dies, then the match is not over, so it matters more that you build for longevity and not just burst and survivability.

Perhaps 3 rounds of 3v3 that are not shuffled would be a better design to avoid this zug zug meta of solo shuffle.

Very much so.
3vs3 is very comp based and if you’re not in the good one, you’ll suffer more than needed.
Plus you need to have all 3 people on at the same time, and free to do pvp, not that easy to do.
Solo shuffle is way more flexible for casuals.
Reality is that classic ladders are now for dedicated arena players, as it should be, and the fact that the ladder is mostly empty should really question both the rating system, and the importance of ranked pvp in the current game.


Yeah :slight_smile: but to even get 1800 in ladder 3 vs 3 you have to be 10 times better than to get same rating (reward) in Shuffle. How is that fair then? Giving separate rewards for different modes would balance things out and noone would be complaining.

your case on 10x is compelling and yet debatable, in 3s the player has to adapt, unable to play safe damping games, can not get getting carried by comp or teammates, etc.

m8, i got 2150 on my monk is shuffle in a week since leveling it (never playing monk before)… in 2s i am barely playing at 1500-1600. so yeah… quite debatable :slight_smile:

Drama queen…
Is this a “I can’t stomp on noobs anymore” post?

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you understand that ppl who were “stomping noobs” in ladder can pretty much do the same in Shuffle and that argument makes no sence? Ppl complain coz they dont like that competitive PVP is being killed. Like imagine if ppl were getting same rewards for killing raid bosses in LFR and Mythic. Would that be okay? Coz “noone likes to sit for hours and look for good guild, learn tactics and play meta classes in order to get best gear and achievemnts in PVE”

PvE and PvP are different machines. It makes sense that LFR does not get the same rewards as Mythic, because raid bosses is players versus a program, and so letting players progress by skill or by gear is an excellent enabler.

PvP is player versus player, if you allow the best players to also outgear the casuals, you get the previous PvP experiences of prior expansions, and the result is almost always casuals quit and queue times go up. It makes more sense in PvP to allow an equal gearing progression, then skilled players can only excel through skills, not through stats. And it SHOULD be more fun for skilled players too, because their wins will be more a reward of skill than grind. It SHOULD be a win/win unless you are specifically a PvP player that only likes to gank noobs due to a stat superiority, but in that case you can get that experience from killing lvl 61s in The Waking Shores.

Well said.

They already did, it’s called M+.

Its not well said at all. If you dont see importance of low cr peasants in a game where all blizz cares about is how much time people spent doing x activity then idk. This outcome was inevitable. I would love to know how many people found their arena partner in soloq etc. (Since that was one of arguments). Basically all of the arguments proved to be wrong as expected and ladder died as a result of that. Soloq is not fix and its absolute trash. Its actually insane how everyone is surprised and noone expected this even tho the outcome was obvious.

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They are mad because they can’t make money with their boosting nonsense anymore and some others are mad because they can not lower their MMR on purpose to stomp low rated/geared players for their amusement anymore. And this is not a bad thing.

Who would have thought that all this boosting and low rated player stomping by all those rank1 clowns is gonna kill the 2v2 ladder… nobody ever could’ve thought of that, right? Shocking.

Solo shuffle didn’t kill anything, boosting and rank1 players playing on 1400 rating 12 hours a day, did. And as a consequence of that situation low rated players moved on to solo shuffle because nobody wants to mess with this bs in 2v2. (and ofc the annoyance of LFG too)

But of course all those boosting clowns will never see that they are one of the main reasons for all these issues. No way they did anything wrong to the community.


As I said above:


Speaking of which I think the only voices supporting solo Q are Savix and some of his friends.
Claps to them