Soloq reminder

Most of us want it, we need it, the World of warcraft needs it.

There are so many ideas from people how you can make it work well. Shoutout to stoopz_tv, savix and every other content creator and people who brings out ideas in the Forums.

The amount of people who plays arena/rbg would be explode.
If players wann play “normal” queues they still can. Make it separate.

WE ALL KNOW soloq will not make us glad or rank 1. It will not be less Toxic, it will have his own problem in a way…
BUT AT LEAST i can play the game without beeing for hours in lfg every day.

I know i/ we have more ways to make the lfg, queue experience better atm but its so depressive and drains out all my Motivation and energy for this game( especially rbg lfg). Your Forums, chats in live streams are full of people who Fights for the soloq- dream.
Pls Blizzard :frowning: do it


… Why? Artificial limitations just makes queue timing exploits into a thing, which Blizzard have yet to this day not been able to prevent entirely. Despite it being a thing since they first limited it to non-raids only, over a decade ago.

If there would be any hope for a rated solo queue, it needs to be in the same mix of matchmaking as premades. Since it’s the only guaranteed way to make queue timing exploits meaningless.

It still wouldn’t prevent wintrading though, 6 close buddies at 4-6 AM server time, all queuing at the same time at a little higher rating than where the congestion is at, then trading wins to each other just like now. You can’t get around that without a heavy limitation to how many times you can queue up with & against each other within the same hour, or something like that. It’d still be possible to wintrade in a coordinated fashion, it’d just take much longer to do it.
Not to mention the damage it would cause to the average queue times…

Only if they dont let 3 men premade play vs 3 soloq randoms lul

Did… Did you not understand what was said?

Any form of artificial limitation just makes people bypass it to get an unfair advantage. As seen for many years now.

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Yeah bro i dont get why wintrading and every other Argument you mentioned is a point against soloq? You said its a Problem since yeara in current arena System? I mean Blizzard should fix These problems but it has nothing to Do with soloq

Except it has everything to do with it.
As I said, for it to have any hope, it needs to be in the same matchmaking mix as premades. With everyone being able to face everyone. Not limit it to “only if a premade can’t face” blablabla.

You understand nothing.

Wintrading is a possibility now, just like it’d be in a solo queue, so boosting would still be a thing and all that, except it’d likely see an increase in the amount of people doing it. Since it’d be easier to coordinate, since they wouldn’t be as limited by matchmaking pools as they are now. It’d even be possible some randoms might get thrown into those wintrading people in a solo queue, making those few randoms unfortunate enough to get thrown in with them into victims with the result of the match completely out of their hands. Imagine both on ur team and 2-3 on the opposite team all being in cahoots, with only you trying to win and them trying to sabotage you.

But that still doesn’t address the problem of why separating those two matchmakings, with solo players somehow not facing premades for some reason. The only surefire way to prevent queue timing exploits is to mix them all together into the same matchmaking pool. Since that’d at least make queue timing exploits entirely meaningless, and there’d be no risk of you queuing into wintraders who aren’t even playing the game properly while they’re trying to sabotage you.

All those mindless Sheeps crying for Soloq after watching Savix’s 3281723 Video about it do not understand that this is not League of Legends.
SoloQ fixes absolutely nothing
It does not fix the Gear Raiting issue
the only thing it does is fix the que time, but even then this is not League as i said, there are other ways to fix that. if you want proper rated 3s, ur setting up a comb, and play around it. not randomly throw 3 classes together and the group with the better classes/synergy wins by default.
everyone just talks about how good its gonna be when they dont realise how bad of an idea this is.

Its just gonna be Skirmish with Raiting, and we all know how Skirmish is.

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I mean throw randomly 3 classes together… Shows you watched nothing about this topic … there are many ideas how they make it work, with “you can choose your comp” etc.

This is the reason why i want it separat queues …because this selfish i hate everything and im against everthing Andy, can play his normal queue and Stay there

but what happens then if you queue as a spec that nobody wants to play with ? infinite queue time ?


To make class/spec filters even remotely possible without HUGE queue times, is by having an EXPONENTIAL increase in the player base participating at all times.

That’s not even close to realistic. It’s just you spouting an idealistic utopian dream while understanding nothing about the subject matter.

And please answer why they should be separate, with these OBVIOUS problems that can only be guaranteed to be prevented when having a unified matchmaking pool for everyone?

Yes give me soloque. Sometimes I just want to que some random games without going through lfg looking for people. Just 3 randoms, like skirmish, but at least with some matchmaking.

And that priest “beware” is so funny talking out of his behind :clown_face:

Sorry, this game has an age requirement. Make sure you’ve grown up enough before you play it, it’s for your own good. Now try to answer the problem like an adult would, or uninstall the game please:


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Touché. Go drink some milk.

yeah because in the LFG system atm you get invited in every team as a mw monk or unholy dk…all this problems exist NOW and its not something soloq would creat.
btw as a unpopular class you would have faster queue and someone who would say “yes i wanna play with a lets say mw monk” would have lower queue times.
you could give bonus points for healer or less popular classes etc etc etc there are so many stuff u can make.
you guys act like soloq will bring up all this problems and dont see all this problem exist in a worse way int he current LFG queue system
edit: sry dont know why my character changes :smiley: all the time

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You’re arguing about specifics with absolutely no ground. You have no idea how it would be implemented, so yes you are talking from your behind and are clueless.

You are arguing win-trading in soloQ without even blizzard mentioning any of their ideas, you are just making stuff up and acting like you know anything about it. So yes, in my eyes you are :clown_face:

The one funny thing that I can throw out there, which all of the braindead solo ¿qué? people can’t and probably never will, is that if you go by Blizzard’s actions then at least they agree with me. They clearly don’t agree with you.

Fun fact, right?

And the sky is blue. A solo queue is a solo queue. It’s not hard to speculate on how it would go, based on precedents.

You not even smart enough to understand what’s said however is a different story. You need to stay in school.

So explain to me how you will win-trade in soloque?

If you have 1000s people applying as solo, and you want to win trade, how will you get to match specific person to “give them win” And then you are again in party of random people.

You’re acting like you are the one who would be developing soloque and considering the lack of common sense its good that you are not.

And then 2nd time you try to insult me by being a kid? Its a game, it should be emabarrasing for older people to play, not kids you pepega