
People wanting to do random bgs and get rating…what has this community turned to…lol

a modern pvp queue system based on mmr and values

I have another idea that involves copying other games. A small symbol next to a players name that shows they are new. If experienced players play arena with this person they get additional rewards / conquest or don’t lose rating.

Just copy your own game - overwatch (ranked system) and it will be perfect.

AKA trying to get carried by better players, aka entitled mentality.

I think that soloQ RBGs sounds great, especially that is least played content. Although problem would be how to allow sign up with friends, let say I have 2-3 friends and we want to sign up to soloqRBG - each one of us have different mmr. Would it be averaged like it is in arenas then?

If you have a 2v2 soloqueue bracket no friends allowed only real arena where you imagine being a homeless greek signing up to arena to get some coins or die

Solo queue ma Lord, solo queue
Solo queue ma Lord, solo queue
Ohhhh Lord solo queue

Blizzard, when?

I don’t think solo queue in ranked will work. Instead I’d like skirmishes to be back to WoD format. 2 brackets: 2v2 and 3v3 with healers being back. Increase conquest rewards from them so people can cap on skirmishes but not push and everyone would play them. You will find partners there and get less upset if you lost due to bad comp. Then you can push rating for titles, transmog and mount.


Nah because the average 1.5 player or the washed pro with 20 mates on his 5th alt tells us that its not the solution

Cba dead game and i doubt they do anything

Play private server and enjoy an actual game.

Cba reading anything from these “soloque wont work” bots anyway. Literally talking out of their a** just to try and find something.


Why wouldnt it work? Other PvP games have the same system and are played more

pointless to even think of possible points.

Pointless to even argue about this whole thing when its so clear how it would help

I spent 1 hour 30 mins yesterday looking for a group.

For some reason I was also accepted then immediately kicked despite having the correct rating.

Maybe it’s my negative win / loss record who knows? I’ve still got the rating so very toxic society we play in.

Is there even a good one these days for just arena and not bothering with gearing?

Kronos releasing Mop soon, rest of the mop server are kinda dead but somewhat playable. Rest is either wotlk or nothing.

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Most likely, playing low rated yolo groups just to get some games in hurts you in the long run while it’s also the only way to get quick conquest.

Aye, next season I’ll try to be more strategical and less yolo!

Well, if I’m still playing which is unlikely as sub runs out end of this month.

Only hope I have for 9.2 is return of tier sets, which never should’ve been removed in a first place.