

I would really just log jn and play, dont have to spend hours on lfg which is very toxic anyway.

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#soloqueue if blizzard wants money







why? we have to safe as much money as we can and we got new world quests instead so i dont understand you

#soloqueue because i want MW on the map, LFG is all about meta

Same with me and MM. Tired of not being given a chance.




I wonder if the wow team knows that holinka is also a blizzard employee

fried queue lol, wow team is part of blizzard

this would also be a homage to ‘‘battlerite’’, a ‘‘fallen’’ arena community

Another useless thread man

At this point they’ll rather continue watching the game burn if it means they don’t have to admit they screwed up by not adding solo queue somewhere along the lines the past 16 years.

its a ‘‘s****show’’