Good idea however:
But there is issue of will lfg 3v3 people / make their own group queue into soloque 3v3? if yes then ok . Obviously organized groups will dominate the Randoms, but that is your tradeoff, you chose to save time and queue random instead of making a good group.
Now, if separate ladder for each, 3v3 ladder lfg will die in the lower ratings, high groups usually play with each other and have made their groups from years you know what I’m saying so it wouldn’t affect them. But the people who wanted to LFG for organized group at lower ratings… for them its 10 hours to find someone now, which will force them to join soloque random groups and play the lottery as well.
The same issue applies to RBG.
So I feel like, it comes down to exactly “do you want save time and play lottery?” in either of the options. My opinion? IF i am on my main character and want to push or get somewhere, then no… i would rather be confident and get a group which I like or arena partners I am comfortable with and play even if it takes some time. say for random alts, ok i would love that save time and get smashed!
Btw I do have experience with soloque, im not talking about other games, in THIS specific game. and what I mentioned above starting with the 3v3 situation, that exactly what happened as well (the second part, where it was separate ladders)
ONE LAST EDIT. So actually it comes down to, people who want LFG to be active because they want their own groups as they are ‘serious’ being forced to well even longer times with the introduction of soloque VS people who want instant queues not caring much about win loss or comps being forced into sitting in LFG. So Now i don’t know who is the minority or majority at this point. even my own above mentioned opinion was a bit complex as for my main I don’t want soloque but for alts I did xD Now ofcourse in League, dota etc it works because the whole ranking system and soloque is the GAME and people have accepted it from the start.
Sorry but I do not quite understand, what’s wrong with finding a partner in the premade group finder?
It takes 1 hour and you aren’t accepted unless you play meta specs.
Its not possible if youre the worst healer on the tierlist, also how can anyone have a problem with the addition of a bracket, the bracket for loner with trash specs, lol
damn i felt that, #soloqueue
This might be the funniest thing re. soloque I’ve read so far xd
yes i might cancel my subscription if getting declined in LFG is my only content ( because of tierlists ), @blizzard
so im glad if i atleast force some of them horde ‘‘metaslaves’’ to cry,
or maybe even blow their mind so i have something from buying this game, #soloqueue
just make your own group bro ;p works best. I personally can play with any class/spec as long as they can bring appropriate CR one MW i played with this season was a beast. was everywhere stunning, paralyzing everyone when needed and healed comfortably. idk why ppl hate MWs really
a mw’s worth can hardly be measured in numbers since it has no damage
a rshaman for example has around 6times the damage of a mw, but cannot juke or ‘‘waste time’’
with my alliance alt it works, but on horde, there really is noone willing to once you reach 1.8
true but cocoon and cc he provides is pretty great. Sure rshams are busted but that doesn’t really mean MWs are bad
Im not clean but i think MW’s are really bad vs armses, ww, rshamans and bm, and thats basically anyone i face lol
If the healer is not able to keep themselves or their group up against the enemy team’s pressure because their healing is too low then yes, the said healer spec is indeed a bit lacking. You can either call every other heal spec overpowered or acknowledge that MW is bad and lacking compared to the rest. Whichever way you want to put it, MW isn’t quite there.
Is it, though? Might be biased as a mage-healer player, but I strongly feel as if MW cc cannot even compare to the CC of a rdruid, holy priest or even holy paladin.
They should rework MW monk from the grounds up as a healing spec, in my opinion. It either does not exist because the numbers aren’t there or is absolutely obnoxious to play against because it can top the team up by just chilling behind a pillar and blocking every go with coccon. I do not now know how would such a redesign work, but I do believe that the MW monk we have right now isn’t good for PvP.
To get back on topic, though… soloqueue feels very much like a case of “you think you do, but you don’t” considering how comp-oriented WoW PvP is. But, if people want it, I won’t bother fighting against it.
If we compare then theres always a worst spec
mistweaver has great healing and decent cc
but MW just dies like a fly and has no pressure or controll
the controll you do have is to choose where the fight is
maybe it wouldnt be so hard if we have a #𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙪𝙚 where you rarely meet S tier comps, because the whole horde is insanely metaslaving atm
9.1.5 is more balancing and unfinished stuff patch. BUT, next expansion will be amazing.
I heard the same in BFA.
Most of steamers is not important at all, since those guys promote unhealtly and unrealistic way to play WoW, meta obsessed path, with donation of mountains of gold while showing bellow medicore skills… not their fan, devil bring them to wow , devil took them away… They wont be missed at least not for me, it was enough to watch them for more than 1min to get diarrhea, those guys didnt bring anything good to WoW , they just either detter people to play WoW, or make community monkeys to behave like them…
About solo que: I agree game needs it yesterday, because community in WoW become unbearable, fact is more time is spend dealing politics in game than play game itself…and this must stop, when you arrive from work and have 3 hours to play game, it sux big time if you spend 2 hours beging people to play… and this is WoW evryday