Solution for Wrath Era

It’s first quarter of 2024 and we die hard classic folks have little time in our hands before we lose our beloved trilogy to retail influencers. Knowing Blizzard doesn’t wanna maintain cost of extra servers I propose having an option of priced cloning, just like we had for Classic Era when TBC rolled out. This way it’s win-win for both sides. Who wants to stay stays on permanent realm, the rest move on.
Everyone was saying and thinking that Classic Era was dead when next classic expansion rolled out but now just login and look up main cities - it’s full of life, merged servers are showing Full and High population. By the time Cata hype dies out Wrath servers will be full of life.

Please Blizzard, let us have 1 PvP realm for each region where we can clone our chars. There are more players willing to stay on this expansion than you really think!
Thank you for reading.


There really isnt considering how low warmanes player numbers was and realising they even faked them by inflating them multiple times.

10k players at the absolute best is not a “lot of people”.

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Source they faked it?
Right now 3 wrath servers combined they have around 20k players online. Do you really think 20k isn’t enough to fill up 1 PvP server?


They litterally banned population tracking addons back in the day.

There is not 20k playing wrath private

How many folks do you figure play classic era?

Or classic hardcore?

Yet these have server(s).


I didn’t enjoy Cata back in the day, and I see no reason why I should enjoy it this time around either, so if they don’t provide us with Wotlk servers, I don’t see myself stickin’ around for too long. I’ll probably be back for Pandaria Classic tho, since Mistweaver was good fun.

Classic Era was a gigantic Mistake for blizzard and I firmly believe if they had to decide today whether or not to make it, they wouldn’t.

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10k people is at minum a net gain of 100k + $ a month this doesnt inclue all the gold/ boost selling.

and keeping a server runign is like what 1000 $ a month including electicity bill

it would be honestly such collosal failure on blizzard part if they didnt left at least 1 pve and 1 pvp server runing.

i get that they are scared that cata will fail if they keep it but its just dumb business decision at this point


You think a maximum of 10k people playing on a free private server at any point that has boosts, buyable items and x10 experience would translate to a steady subscriber base of people who otherwise wouldn’t subscribe and are used to playing for free but will suddenly pay blizzard?




It’s fully in their power to shut them off right this second, but since they don’t the assumption has to be they’re making money off of it.

So why is Wrath different in this regard?

Yeah this shows your ability to think long term or realise, that with the increased difficulty of tbc, now wrath and especially also cata, spreading the playerbase thinner and thinner will make forming and clearing content exceedingly harder and harder and lead to less players playing over time on all versions of the game.

PvP is completely dead and has been for decades now and it is no wonder so all there is left is PvE.

Getting 100k for a couple month but losing 50k players over both cata and wrath over time cause the population is spread thinner, is obv worse.

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10k that is a fake number that is prob closer to 2-3k at max, warmane has been shown to fake their player numbers many times before and yes F2P private servers does not reflect a playerbase that wants to go play a 12 dollar a month subscription wow, you are indeed correct on that.

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This’d be a fine excuse if we didn’t have, yanno, 3 variations of classic with another one coming (hardcore self found).

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Quite a few of the low population Wrath realms (that will go onto Cataclysm) should be connected and those servers that become free should be used for Wrath Era, with a paid cloning service.

Notice I used realm and server in their correct meanings here, they are not interchangeable.


Cloned, prlced or not we demand a place where we can run ICC forever with our family, friends, guilds. Don’t force us to go to Warmane Blizz.


So let me clue you in about classic era servers, since you definitely didn’t look up into what happened.

When TBC was released, the classic era realms were DEAD. And by dead I mean literally. There was nobody playing there, except 10 guilds who raid logged for their weekly Naxxramas GDKP reset, and the bots left from when these servers were the current content.

So what happened overtime. Bots didn’t vanish. They kept farming all day and all night for months, as well as the GDKP guilds continued raid logging for their weekly GDKP resets. Sadly I cannot prove that, because Ironforge has its stats deleted for a long period of time, but believe me, the servers were DEAD.

“But how could they be dead, when there are so many people playing now, and you can see it on Ironforge”. Well its very simple - classic HC became popular, so people started playing it on the fresher realms. Then Blizzard realms were announced with a HC playstyle. So all of these dead characters on these realms were transferred to the era servers, which I mentioned above. On top of that, SoD was announced, and people went back to classic era servers, to try it out again, because they were bored of WOTLK.

What is the current state of classic era servers, where bots didnt stop farming, neither the 10 GDKP guilds that still raid log for their Naxx resets.

  • Edgemasters are on AH for 23 000 gold.
  • Firewater elixirs are 50 gold.
  • A simple flask for the raid is 1000 gold.

Do you understand how much gold this is for classic ? It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to play the game there if you don’t do GDKPs or you don’t buy gold. And I am not over exaggerating, it is impossible.

So what will happen if they do WOTLK servers ? Well the same thing, they will not be popular the first months, because people will play Cata. Then, eventually, some people won’t like Cata, and would want to go back to WOTLK servers, great. The problem is - there won’t be any community revival for the WOTLK realms as HC was for classic era realms. So these WOTLK era servers will eventually became unplayable as well. There wont be many people who would want to farm ICC on their 20th alt (because there wont be fresh realms like there are on Warmane), and new people wont come, because it will be impossible for them to start, as everything will be inflated by the bots and the GDKPs.

Blizzard know they made mistake with classic era servers, that’s why they don’t wanna do it again with WOTLK servers. That’s it.


So adding another one would be even better, even tho the playerbase for it isnt there ?

How can you litterally prove yourself wrong and then still choose to post the comment…

They already are, hardcore self found is coming.

Hardcore self found is a far cry from wotlk era. You dont even have an argument with that one, that is an additional mode for hardcore which is already there.

But still just proves that it isnt a good idea, they choose not to make wrath era cause classic era could barely survive, wrath is never going too.

Meanwhile, hardcore is on life support as well and … they’re making a new mode for it.

And your argument amounts to “this is better than leaving a single Wrath era server running”.

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