Solution to peace at wqs and world boss when aoo not up

Tldr: Kill em all!


When aoo is not up there can be a problem with peace breaking out at wqs and world boss - each faction waiting their turn at wb, or tolerating the other faction’s presence at wqs.


This problem can be rectified by you attacking the enemy, then getting them to chase you towards your allies. WPvP activity will then be initiated on both sides. Peace is solved.

This allows each faction to particpate in WPvP, when otherwise they would have missed out on the fun.

Tried it a few times yesterday at Drustvar wb, worked great!

When aoo is up, peace is a non issue.


For a short moment I thought you wanted peace :grimacing:
It got me very worried to see something like that from you :pensive:

But then I took my time and re-read it a couple of times to be sure your true intentions is to keep the bad blood between the factions - well done :+1:

Keep up the good work :partying_face:


Oops, thanks for feedback. I added a tldr to the start of post, hopefully makes intentions clearer!

Ye, for sure peace is an issue when aoo is down, and it needs to be fixed!


Very good, and for once a TL:DR that is extremely short, and still get the message out :muscle:

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Lol! I like your thinking. :smiley:

This is even more fun as a rogue as you can start stuff but then slink into the shadows when it goes sideways. :smiley:


I am jealous of your better stealth ofc. I suppose I at least have shadowmeld.

Yes, stealth is gonna be fun for sure. However, this solution to peace can work for all classes, even if no stealth.

The key for non stealthers is to run right through your allies and out the other side, running a fair distance. In theory, the result will be that the enemy stop chasing you, and you have a fun little battle to watch. Or, if the odds look good, even take part!


You know, for a few days before this reset, it was almost like Legion deja vu - so many WQs when Alliance and Horde are just questing together. Only trash talking from Alliance for killing that horde who “just wanted to do the quest” was missing from a complete experience.

But then I thought - I have that instant spell that I use to pull big packs of mobs on the run on a WQ, and other Alliance always jump in when I do that - maybe I can pull a pack of horde?.. yeah, it works! But Alliance needs a bit more convincing - pull a pack, then chrono/blink/nitro into Alliance and invis = uuuoooooohhhh-huuooooo it’s like a bar fight, needs just a spark, hehe.


Ey! That’s awesome! I love the tactic! Each class will have a good strat.

Solve Peace!


My issue is the brainless zergs, when you can’t overcome it with a small-ish party but that’s just me, here I am just waiting for some horde to make a WPvP guild on Defias Brotherhood so the game can be spiced up, I will carry on harassing the horde so they can’t quest, can’t do there world quests or anything.

Do your part and fight back instead of giving up and using it just for the bonus exp / rep etc it’s for PvP! Give it to us! We deserve it

Hope to see you all very soon :heart:


World of Lovecraft.

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