Someone create a Horde WPvP community

Hard to make me feel bad for my tactics, because I will do anything and not care. I am an overconfident cocky jerk with no honor! If running can result in a kill or save my skin, I’ll do it. I actually wrote a post on pulling enemies into allies, a fun strat. Our encounter might have been my inspiration! Yep, it would prob be quite satisfying to kill my pixels :slight_smile:

Changing to my realm will not help you find me, we are in random WM shards. If you want fair wpvp, see my suggestion for two communities to arrange wpvp. Simple rules would be agreed beforehand, equal numbers for example, and I’d stick to em because I want to do this as occasional events. It is easy to start a community, and no effort compared to a guild. The one thing to remember is, set invite link to NEVER EXPIRE.

If starting a community does not appeal to you, see you out there maybe, but it will be down to chance on random WM shards - I would love to solo 1v1 you. I do actually enjoy fair 1v1 when not in a group, and am trying to improve skills. By ‘fair’ I mean equal numbers and no interference, anything goes apart from that. I’ll say in advance, if I run, that counts as a win for you!

Edits: Wrote a lot of waffle, realized it was wall of text, deleted most!

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