Solutions to AV premade

I have a feeling it’s about 3 guys posting from all these lowbie retail characters, since launch.
The characters have changed but the snarky and negative comments are always the same.

  1. Make AV like it was in vanilla, not the nerfer pre-tbc one. Private servers could do it so Blizzard can for sure. This way the honor / hour gain would be drastically reduced so people would play AV for rep grinding and WSG for honor farming.
  2. Remove pug option completely, make AV premade only. This way only premade vs premade would play on both side.

I really doubt that it can compete with a premade AV farm. It might compared to pug AV because AB has the advantage of always resolving in a reasonable time. Premades can reliably rush AV negating that advantage.

I guess for Horde it will depend on queue times.

it will for horde, wsg is just about viable now for horde in terms on HPH gain and the gains in Ab are much better. At that point you might even see a queue on alliance side for AV.

Nope. My only Dwarf priest is 102.

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