Solutions to AV premade

Hello everyone!
First of all, i am ally so if you are think it is pointless, then you can leave now.
Hordes want to stop that alliance av premades. I understand why they want. But no one suggestion real solutions. i try to cover some.

  1. They want to ban who do premade… Result is there will be very few ally left for queue AV and they will suffer loses and leave AV too. Then hordes get 10 times longer queues. Maybe no more AV…
  2. Blizzard allow queue as group. if they do this, it is unfair to premade vs pug currently we have. So if they do it like ranked battles, only premades face against premade. then there is no alliance will join as premade. why? it is waste of time! those battles last 1-2h. And allys still do x-realm premades. Cant fix issue.
  3. Horde players change mindset. I think it is one of possible solution. Truth is allys don’t care win or lose. They just want kill all npcs with bonus honor and finish the game. Because they want to join next one ASAP. Horde players want more honor because they queued long. So they want burn bunkers and win. If they rush Vann to like Allys, games will be faster. hordes still queue long but overall u can wait 30min and do 10m game. allys queue more. If u do fast u can win. if not u lose. Only issue here is there is lots of bots in horde side. So Alliance can’t help on that issue. So fix it yourself. All alliance give u is bit more faster games. If you can’t take it, then try to turtle it and lose. 30m wait and 30min lose game.
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Remove AV numbers being displayed as queue pops up. Leave just “join battle”.
Coordinating AV joining on discord, using queue numbers is just exploiting a system. AV wasn’t supposed to be possible to join in a party in any form. AV should be PUGS vs PUGS only.

Premades destroyed AV, its literally PvE, not PvP. People ignore each other, rush drek in 6min, the end. Noone is enjoying that nor horde nor ally.

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I still don’t mind.
Most of the alliance premades are absolute trash and easily thwarted.
I can do other stuff while queueing.
Alliance is also at a point where they’re turning against each other because their own premades are hurting the rest of their players.
Horde mentality overall in AV is good.
It gets even better when we have a guy moaning “just get honor and lose”, as if everyone collectively tries to disprove him/her.

They wanted revenge on us for phase 2, eventhough this wasn’t done by every horde player.
Now they’re back at blaming racials while they hardly have any impact in large scale Pvp.

It’s a vicious cycle of complaining and fingerpointing that will end up hurting the alliance even more.

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the amount of coping by horde, quite astounding, trying to rationalize that waiting in q for 30 mins is ok

Why wouldn’t it be, i had longer queue’s in vanilla.
I have farm routes mapped out by now either starting from OG or UC, and i’m seeing my gold stash increase every day while ranking.

I know my fellow hordies are looking at the same queue, so i don’t feel compelled to have a faster queue.

because it will always be a time loss to have travel time to get back to your farm spot between queues, instead of having instant queues, farming your honor, and then doing your grinding without travel time to get their every 30 mins. also faster queues means reaching honor cap faster

I don’t find it to be a time loss, i take fp, go for a smoke, get back, run to farmspot, mine on the way.

Overall it’s a lot better for me mentally.
I would probably quit the game if ranking meant i had to instaQ for 20 hours straight every day with a bunch of spergs that like holding down the forward key until they reach the last boss.

its only for 3 days though, then ur capped, capped on saturday, think about it, or take it more casual, play 10h a day and cap on tuesday night

I don’t see a lot of hordes capping atm so i don’t feel compelled to cap it.
I don’t have time to play either 20 or 10 hours a day and i’m still climbing in ranks.
Slow and steady is the way to go for me in classic.
Cba putting myself through agony while i can just drag it out and start replacing all the burned out quitters.

If you think rushing drek for 20 hours straight for 3 days is ok, then i feel sorry for you.

Do Alliance players not realize that this is actually at least as bad for them? AV premades mean that it will forever be the only way to rank up since it will always be the best farm, and you have to compete with those doing the best farm. When AB comes out it won’t be worth doing for honor.

No, they’re too busy trying to prove they’re literal gods like all the lvl 20 gnomes you see posting here.

When in reality they’re just running accross the map and killing an npc.

Just what we need, another whining horde thread about AV pre-mades.

ab should be better honor /h

See OP: 60 dwarf priest in classic.
1 horde posted a “solution”.

How is this a horde whine thread?

Because it’s your alt.

Exept…the OP is alliance. Probably trying to bait.

My goodness, someone who plays both factions on different realms. I am 100% sure the OP is some Horde whiners alt.

So you didn’t even read the topic then?
Since i’m more than okay with you guys blindly destroying your own faction.

You have a point. That explains all the horde qq posts: Alliance mains posting from alts.

Hold up! You don’t perhaps sometimes post from a low level dwarf priest?