SoM Transfers

Do you still have it? I was wrongly awarded Brew-Fast - I don’t have it any more.

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I don’t know, havent played Wrath for a while, and need to download a bunch of updates … can’t be bothered.

(No, i don’t plan to play WotLK. It was my favourite expansion but I can already see WotLK Classic is a completely different game)


Welp… I am currently trying to get it by leveling a Dwarf Hunter, like properly :s

Eh, i kinda agree with you on that, it’s not exactly like in Classic, where it was the EXACT same spitting image, as back in 2004. - And i have no idea, why they are making so many modifications to it, it just feels… Like a Wotlk 2.0?

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People are rerolling. The original post and replies throughout detail a variety of reasons why people want transfers.

It ranges from having farmed titles, mounts, rep, tier 1-3, the achievements they’ll get and more. It’s the same reason you play and invest in any character.

Not only is the character important, the date and destination is too. If your guild rerolled Gehennas, you might not be able to ever transfer there? This needs to be detailed so different arrangements can be made. It’s unlikely you can transfer there, but if they actually enabled transfers 1 month ago we would know and could’ve made arrangements to realms they can go to. It’s not difficult for them to do, but makes maintaining your communities impossible.

I could go on but they’re all listed in the thread by myself and plenty of others.

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Bumping this thread.

worth doing imo. Blizz should shut down SoM and merge ERA realms out of self interest. Please continue to take my money … i have no interest in WotlK, SoM is dead and ERA is … er … not in the shape it could be in :smiley:


Ex-Act-Ly my man. - It’s pretty simple, do as Tiky is saying, and it’s all sorted, and while we never got the Transfer during Pre-Patch (WHICH IT SHOULD’VE BEEN BTW.), then do it at Early October LATEST. (3rd/4th Of October), or even the 1st. - The sooner the better, do NOT make us wait more than there has been already. - I saw Kingsfall earlier, they can’t do Naxxramas anymore, only Ahn’Qiraj, for loot, as the “Pug” they have, from ALL combined guilds on the server on Alliance Side, are not strong enough, (despite being combined as previously), had to degrade to Ahn’Qiraj from Naxxramas to be able to do ANY kind of content. - Take a hint Blizzard, and get the finger out, jesus christ.

I hope they do open them early but I expect they won’t.

Correct. And i have kinda lost faith in Blizzard’s ability, to see common sense.

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Sad, October looking unlikely and still no information for people moving communities to Wrath.

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There is info, just not the info you want. Info says within 11-13 months from launch.

You clearly haven’t read the thread or any of the replies you’ve been given so it’s pointless to repeat to you what information people want if you do not care to read anything over 2 lines.

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The point is it is THE feedback there is. Keep asking doesn’t change that.

The information requested on the original post was not given and repeating myself even though I’ve already replied to you 3 times, similarly to how others have, is tiresome. There is absolutely zero information about what realm people can transfer to and still no confirmed date. Is it really that difficult for you?


This information isnt enough for your paying subscribers.

Look at the EU SOM servers… you have barely 20 people on each of them at the same time, why do you think it is acceptable to hold their players essentially hostage whilst you decide what to do.

WOTLK has released now, you missed a PERFECT opportunity for your customer base to actually start thinking “wow maybe blizzard aren’t stupid and actually care for the player base” and yet here you are doing the opposite.

I do not remember a time in which i genuinelly thought “Blizzard have the heart of their customers in their vision”

You have ZERO logical reason to not allow these characters to be released, the people that want to remain on this server won’t move, the people who do not player their characters, gathering dust, will be the ones that want to be played but in current content.

Stop wasting your time and our time doing the inevitable, its 11 months, every server is dead, just pull the band aid off and stop doing whatever you can to frustrate your customer and DO THE RIGHT THING


This thread starts to be so long with only partial answers given several weeks ago and now WOTLK has been already released (deadline is overdue boys). I can’t imagine to treat my customers like this in my own postition … :sweat_smile:


This is Blizzard/Activision customer service down to the letter… in that its diabolic and the company is a joke.

Half answers and ZERO care


Look at how many annoyed and frustrated customers they have here and no response

Its awkward, frustrating and quite frankly, embarrassing on them.


SOM was not a ‘fan mod’ or a ‘private realm’, even if you choose to diversify yourself (btw we enjoyed it), your customers who are paying monthly fees since decades are still expecting client support


6k+ Views? My lord, it’s almost as much as one of the Blizzard Pinned Posts.