Heya, I can’t find the answers to the following questions in the update posts, and I would love some clarification.
Will the changes carry over to era? I am thinking of the following:
- Dual spec
- Buff cap removed
- Instant mail
- GDKP forbidden
I am a long time era player, and what I want is to play something as closely resembling vanilla as possible. I, along with a lot of players on era with me, are biting nails hoping for these changes not coming to the version of the game we’ve grown to love so much over the years.
Why? Well, we don’t want more quality of life. Classic to us is beautifully ugly, perfectly flawed. So many quirks, things taxing our time and gold, and the imbalance is what makes this game so lovely.
A confirmation that these changes won’t carry over would be very appreciated. I was, to be honest, eager to start over on fresh, but the fact that Blizzard has taken so easily on making changes has left a sour taste in my mouth. At the moment I am thinking of staying on era instead, and thus I want a clarification on this topic.