Some queries to the devs about the Cataclysm release cadence

Hello there! I’m with a guild that is planning on raiding during Cataclysm, and while I did not raid during it myself, a lot of my guildies have done so. So far the hype is quite high, though there are some who are a bit worried about the release cadence of the raid patches.

If the estimates as posted on Twitter are correct, we would have the first tier of raids between May and October, a 5 month window , while Firelands would be out for around 3 months(with many having some hiatus over winter holidays).
As Firelands seems to be the most popular raid, would it not make sense to move the release of Firelands back around a month, keeping a steady 4 month raid window per raid?

I know that the Rise of the Zandalari patch is coming as an inbetween patch, however that doesn’t contain any raids. And considering Firelands also brings about the first legendary, having a longer period of that tier would most likely make people more happy as it will let more people aquire it without going back to a previous raid-tier, something which is quite hard to get people to do a lot of the time.

I’ve not seen a good way to ask questions to the devs, so I’m hoping this is a decent place to ask for some answers :slight_smile: