Some useful macros in Shadowlands

With all the extra buttons and Shield Block and Shield Slam becoming baseline, these macros can help you out greatly to minimize the buttons required.

Conditions and Commands

If you want a better understanding of what each condition/command does


/equip - Equipping a piece of gear following the command
/cast - Cast ability of your choosing
#showtooltip < Spell name > - Provides the tooltip info of the specified ability when moused over
/cancelaura < Buff name > - Stops a buff currently on you


equipped:slot - Becomes true if have an item equipped in a certain slot, in our case it’ll be equipped:Off Hand
equipped:slot - Reverse effect of the above. This condition is met when you don’t have an item equipped in a specified slot.
Exist - Checks if the target exists
nodead - Verifies that the target is not dead
harm - Only works if the target is hostile to you
help - Only works if the target is friendly to you
@Mouseover - Targets the target you’re currently mousing over including party and raid frames
16 - Specifies main hand. Only necessary for fury.
17 - Specifies off hand. Only necessary for fury.


Mortal Strike
#showtooltip Mortal Strike
/cast [noequipped:Off Hand] Mortal Strike
/equip 16 < Insert 2h Weapon Here >

Equips your 2h weapon and casts Mortal Strike if you’re currently not wearing anything in your offhand

Shield Block
#showtooltip Shield Block
/equip 16 < Insert 1h Weapon Here >
/equip 17 < Insert Shield Here >
/cast [equipped.Off Hand] Shield Block

Equips your shield and 1h weapon and casts Shield Block if you’re currently wearing something in your offhand

#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [exists, nodead, harm] Charge
/cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead] Intervene
/cast Hamstring

Cancels Bladestorm and casts Charge if further than 8 yards away, but will cast Hamstring instead if closer than 5 yards. Mousing over a friendly character in the world or their party frame will cause you to cast Intervene on them instead.

#showtooltip Rampage
/cast Rampage
/equip 16 < Insert 2h Weapon Here >
/equip 17 < Insert 2h Weapon Here >

Equips your 2h weapons and casts Rampage


many thanks for the macros :slight_smile:

Bookmarked for the patch.

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3 in 1 macro :slight_smile:

if target is enemy = charge
if target is friendly = intervene
if your in meelerange on an enemy = hamstring

/cast [harm,nodead] Charge; [help,nodead][@player] Intervene
/cast Hamstring

hamstring can be replaced by Victory Rush if you want :slight_smile:


these swap macros are useless anyway … because currently in pve you will never can or want to swap them^^ same with using slam as fury or WW for prot

good macro cheers.

The swap macros are very useful in PvP though :slight_smile:

We don’t know anything yet, there might be times in M+ where it’s useful to emergency tank.

you cant swap gear there ^^

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You can swap weapons :slight_smile:


the possibility of emergency tanking is pretty cool hope that becomes a thing.

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