I am noticing that all great ideas for TBC are scattered in like a million posts. This will make it hard for Blizzard to grab all ideas and implement the best ones.
So here is a list of great QoL changes.
Most important ones are (not in specific order but dungeon finder is most important)
Dungeon finder
Mulitple character boosts to 58 (paid)
Server transfer
Name change
Race change
extend flying mounts to azeroth (why not? old content now)
Dual talent (also very much wanted)
Russian only servers
I need some more good ideas to add to the list. So Blizzard can see 1 topic with all good ideas so they can pick a few.
I have spoken with alot of people and most of them would really like these changes.
Why should TBC be the great game it was when it can be even greater with modern day QoL changes?
Yes, you do not want TBc to be as good as it can be.
I know i have seen more posts from you to me.
But the great thing is that you do not need to use any of the improvements. You can still ride your tige instead of flying a mighty dragon and you can still make groups with your guild instead of using the dungeon finder.
No need, we’ll probably end up doing that ourselves.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 13 years playing WoW is that the skill the playerbase has at ruining the game for themselves is unparalleled.
i would love actually one change to tbc
removing fly mounts and rework the game slightly where they were requitered
like the dungeons up in the sky - u need to get quest line to tp there
and since the zones are big - u need to buy the increased mount in azeroth speed . but removing that woud remove one of the things that made the world half dead coz everybody would hang out in the sky
CCG pets / mounts / tabard with code redeem should be available in Booty Bay. It was introduced in TBC was it not? (Or was it wotlk? I think it was BC)
probably will be implemented, as will race, only restriction that will remain will be pvp>pve (that one was lifted also in cataclysm if memory serves)
that one is not possible in old azeroth as a lot of places are unfinished from above (undercity) and a lot of “borders” are not actually near one another. In cataclysm they redid the entire azeroth to allow flying.