Someone PLEASE explain me this Outlaw Rogue PvP nerfs...please

Which is most likely around 1600-1900 range if you look at it on this season.

Yep, and that’s how it should be. There’s no reason for a full transmog set to be locked behind anything more difficult than Curve levels of gameplay. 1.8 should be curve, Glad should be CE, simple as that.

Oh I understand the dangers completely. The dangers are the meta will be less diverse, that’s literally the only thing, and considering the amount of players at the top currently, it’s just as undiversified anyway.

If you want perfect balancing

I’ve said this before, this is not possible, nor desirable, in an MMORPG game, that’S why there’s no reason to balance it as if that were the goal, which is what R1 balancing is doing.

So remove rewards and only put it into small amount of % of players again.

I’ll just redirect you to my letter at this point, since I don’t think you’ve gone through it (case you have, sorry.), it’s full of suggestions, and it could use a little reinvigoration anyway, case an imaginary PvP EU dev stumbles upon it. Kinda no point for me to state my opinions again if there’s a 12 page document of them flying around on this page.