Sometimes the game launches at the wrong resolution

R7 7800X3D, 4090, 32gb ram, nvidia drivers tested: latest/current 560.70 and those I use on a daily basis 537.58. My resolution is 2560x1440. Now to the point… game can sometimes launch with broken resolution, which is it 2560x1421, it’s hard not to notice, everything is offset and blurred, in game options not fixing it, “they” don’t even report that it is something wrong, still is set to 2560x1440, after manually changing the resolution back and forth, the offset is “fixed”, but not the blur, the rendering resolution is still incorrect. confirms wrong resolution: SET gxFullscreenResolution “2560x1421”.

The solution is simple, just restart the game without touching the options (when you change something in game options, will save the wrong resolution and the only solution will be to change it manually in file). This error doesn’t occur every time, this error did not occur before the pre-patch.

I should also add, that I had a problem, with the game reporting more monitors than I currently have connected. This was fixed itself when I tried to fix the issue above, i.e. many restarts.

This information probably won’t help at all, but I can repeatedly run “World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery” without any resolution problems.

I have found the cause, in my case it is due to the Nvidia In-Game Overlay in GeForce Experience, when I turn it off, I can run WoW without resolution problems. I would also like to repeat, this must have some connection with the pre-patch, because before it nothing like this happened, this error does not occur in Classic either. I can reproduce this.

Unfortunately, I see that not everyone solves the problem by disabling the Nvidia overlay, maybe in your case it is another overlay such as Discord, RTSS or something like that…


Do you have like a custom rez in windows (NV panel) with x1421?

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I have the same problem.

I have the same problem but with 1920x1080 going to 1920x1061 in in-game render scale.
The suggested fix by OP did the job for me.


I have the same problem since 11.0 pre-patch. Every time I launch the game resolution is slighly off. I have to go to graphics setting and set it again or just select default again. Turninig off Nvidia Overlay fixed the issue.


I just noticed i have the same problem after returning to the game for TWW Pre-patch.
My game also drops from 1440 to 1421. Difference is that i had Nvidia Overlay turned off.
Im reinstalling the game to see if it has any effect.

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Turning off Nvidia overlay did nothing for me. The issue persists. But oddly enough not EVERY single game launch. Maybe 20 percent of them the resolution is just fine. Any devs on this?

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Same issue here.
No nvidia overlay, no discord overlay.

Just seems to happen at random.

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I too encounter this problem, game goes to this stupid 2560x1421 resolution cause it figures 1440 is bigger than the screen and it overlaps my second monitor.

Deleted the config file in the WTF folder, worked, swapped character and it bugged out again.

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My game had just loaded blurry and with some elements slightly moved from their default position. It was set to the 1080p resolution but still looked awful and I fixed it by changing the value of Resolution to Default.

I restarted the game and same thing again. Everything was fine up until today.


I’ve been having the same problem except it went from randomly happening to happening about 90% of the time. The above fixes did not work and I have absolutely no idea what’s causing it.

I’ve deleted my entire WTF folder twice and the problem persists. Get on this blizz. Its incredibly annoying that on top of looking bad with blurry text it also dislodges my UI every time I log in and I’m also convinced it makes the game run worse too.

The only way workaround I’ve found is when I’m ready to log out I change the game to windowed mode and set the monitor to primary. Then then when I log in the next day on the main menu I change the monitor to the specific one I want and back to full screen and the appropriate render scale and apply all 3 changes at once, but frankly this could just be that lucky 10% chance.

I also recommend checking your config and making sure to force the right resolution before you start the game.

I have my game sometimes starting in a slightly bigger window than my screen which screws up with fonts and everyhin looks a bit off.

Temporary fix for me is going settings > graphics > and setting the resolution to default setting. Gotta do it every now and then, but still a bit faster that just restarting, till it fixes itself.

got RTX 3060 and 1920x1080 if that matters.


did reinstalling the game help you?

I have this problem in 30-40% of the cases. Resolution 3840x2160 (4k) @120Hz. Every now and then I have to go to the graphics settings in the game, choose Default resolution and accept the change. I’ve just updated the Nvidia drivers. Let’s see whether anything changes.

I logged in one day a few days and all of a sudden all my action bars are sunk by half a level downward. The bottom bar is showing only half.

So i move that one up and its fixed.

Then all other characters all of a sudden have all their actions bars moved up half a bar. So i have to fix them and drag them back down which affects the other character.

When i go back to the other character they are back to beign buried. Driving me nuts now.

I have the same problem from pre-patch 11.0, game start totaly blured and all is ofset. Several restarts of PC and game does help but its for me totaly random (need 1, sometimes 20 game restarts to fix it). Deleting WTF folder doesnt help, deleting Cache folder also. Turning off addons doesn’t effect it also. Not sure if to send a ticket to blizz since they ignore it and you always get same bot message with thanks and that they will look in to it with 0 resolutions. Makes me wonder, where my money for subscription is going if many of us have this problem and Blizz seems to ignore it.

Had a similar/ same problem, kept on flipping from 1080 to 1061 mid game, and i had nvidia overlay turned off as per previous solutions.
I ended up in the Nvidia control panel (as opposed to geforce experience) and set my res there to 1080 under “change resolution” but also clicked " override the scaling mode set by games and programs" on the “adjust desktop size and position” tab . This seems to have worked for the last few tries / hours , hopefully it’ll help others

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same here, started happening today. and then when I try to play around with window / fullscreen, it would jump to 1080p (I have a 1440p monitor) and when I switch back to fullscreen it just stretches the 1080p window, looks jank as hell. I basically need to do the same setting change 3-4 times before the game does it right

Same issue still persists. I have updated my nvidia drivers.