Soo what happened to the removal of class/race restrictions, Blizzard?

So, many moons ago Blizzard stated that they would be moving towards removing the class /race restrictions because they wanted to give us the option to play the game the way we want to.
They even started with some classes, while others still suffer under limits that make zero sense these days.

However, it has now been over a year that any of this has been mentioned and we have no signs that this plan still exists and is going to be continued in TWW.

Kinda feels as if Blizzard has just said something to get goodwill when they needed it at the end of Shadowlands and now when there is some decent press incoming those things have been quickly forgotten. In other words: They never meant to go through with it.

And before the common answer comes:

I do not for a second believe they need this much time to design a few graphic assets. With all the time that has passed a low level intern could have learned how to do those assets and implemented them. We talk about maybe some color swaps, some mount assigning (for Palas) and that is it.
In short: If they wanted to go through with this they could have done it several times over.

If anyone from Blizzard reads this: How about a comment? I am personally very pissed to have this promise dangled in front of me for all this time with not a word of progress.

If the plan has been scrapped, then you owe your loyal players to tell them so they can decide if they want to keep giving you money.
If the plan is still standing then how about a progress report and at least an idea of a time table?

I don’t think that is asking too much.


Not a fan of homogenization, I hope they will not implement it. But won’t be shocked if they do.


Any post that asks for this will get my support. Let people play what they want and anyone against it is just living in the past.

Literally nobody will quit this game because Blizzard unlock all classes for all races.

I don’t like PvP but do I say that Blizzard should stop working on it and concentrate fully on PvE? No, I just don’t interact with that content and appreciate that a lot of the community do like it.


I think they have it on pause for now… Dracthyr getting more classes is up next in early TWW. I hope Paladins are soon as it makes sense with recent lore developments in the Tyr’s Guard. Maybe they will be a pleasant surprise.


I hate it personally. But what do you mean? It is already happening and it already happened. We already have lightforged warlocks and other weird combinations. Now we need goblin demon hunters

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While it’s true they threatened “promised” to completely erode the class/race barrier over time, they never gave a spesific timeline for it. From their perspective giving everyone warlock/mage/priest/rogue a while back may have been considered a massive step in that direction and so it’s on the backburner for the remaining combinations.


Whilst you may hate it and I respect that, this is literally my dream.


Don’t destroy my fantasy of becoming a druid gnome in kitten/'cub form please! :angry:


Void elf prot paladin. I want to be able to stealth teleport into the next pack mid pull and surprise everyone.


That’d be hilarious and I’m here for it :rofl: to see it ofc, not play it. No self respecting person would play a Gnome :wink:


In the end I support the right for everyone to play how they want to play, mainly in regard to how their characters look. If the cost for that is the removal of racials then that is fine by me. How my character looks should never have any influence on the gameplay, it is a personal choice.

I don’t think this will really homogenize the game more. On the contrary, we will see combinations that were not possible before. Like take Druids.
Currently you see Nelf Druids and …Nelf Druids. Very very rarely a KT one and on the Horde side a Zandalari are two. If the restrictions would be removed we could have all kinds.
(Personally I would love a Velf Druid with Void-Themed forms, but that is a bonus, the option to play Velf is enough for me)

As for people not liking the removal. I respect that, but just as it is not my business how your characters look, it is not yours what I do with mine.

Lore-wise I can think of dozens of options to justify a combination for myself and some options Blizzard has even implemented themselves without allowing it for players. Like that Nelf that joined the Silver Hand as a Pala all the way back in Legion and still players can’t.

Even Velf Paladin is no issue, considering we have Disc Priests and Velf Holy Priests who all combine Void and Light without exploding. It is simply up to the player to justify the combination in their head (or ignore the implications). Blizzard doesn’t have to provide it.


I would be happy and would be a great solution if the Dracthyr would have a customizable visage, not just a Thiefling ripoff, but like the dragons have; Tauren visage, Troll, Nightelven, Vulpera, and so on and so on
On the same note, the Worgen curse is not Gilnean exclusive, let us have Night Elf Worgen, High Elven Worgen, Dwarven worgen… - like the Satyr curse, anything the bite will turn to a Worgen
And tails, tails for the puppies

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I don’t think it’s been scrapped, that’s highly unlikely. It’s just a priorities game.

Yeah, it is quite clear that their 15th Dwarf option is now the center of attention, so that finally (???) the 3 people on Horde side that always wanted to play Dwarf can do that.

The thing is that they have a huuuge team and the changes I ask for are so small. If they wanted to do it, they could have done it a long time ago. Hence why I believe that they just said it because people asked for it, with no intention to really go through with it. False promises in a time when players were quitting the game left and right.

If this wasn’t the case, why are we not seeing any updates? Any kind of time table? Are they waiting until people are quitting again to implement it and buy people back?

I wish I could think about this more positive, but I am very angry especially about the none-existent news. There were so many promises to improve on communication and nothing has changed in the end.

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It definitely will. Because it diminishes the uniqueness of classes, the uniqueness of races and their culture.

To quote Syndrome from the Incredibles:

“If everyone is super, no one will be.”

If every race can play every class, all races are just the same. Only difference is maybe some lore and the visuals.

And remember, it would make sense if all WoW races would be different sub-nations of humans. But we are talking here about different SPECIES, all with their unique way of life.

Why would for example a Nightelf Hunter want to use a loud rifle when their entire society is built upon living in the woods in harmony with nature? Why would they use a gun that is loud as hell to hunt when a bow is silent and more subtle, fittingly for an elf trying to not disturb the nature around them?

Meanwhile it wouldn’t make sense for a Gilnean Hunter to use only a Rifle because in human culture all sorts of ranged weapons are appreciated. Because most humans don’t care about “not disturbing nature”.

That’s like taking Legolas Greenleaf from the Forest Elves of the Tolkien universe and handing him a gun instead of a bow. The bow would be iconic, the gun would be cheap.

More doesn’t always equal better.


Undead pallies FTW


I don’t like no class/race restrictions… The “anyone can be anything mentality”. No, lightforged draenei shouldn’t be warlocks, while undead should not be paladins and humans should never be druids. but whatever i guess.
Waiting for pandaren DHs


More pallys!!

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We witness how draenei are turned into Lightforged. The Forge of Aeons reinforces a draenei’s mind, body, and soul with the power of the light after facing their inner demons and their inner turmoil
But this not means you are necesarily have to be “good”.
T’paartos faced his memories and fears, striking down physical manifestations of them. His Lightforged trial with him confronting T’paartos the Fallen, an image of his darkness who tempted him to leave the Light behind and embrace the Fel.
But a Lightforged Warlock (or Draenei) are not leaving the Light behind!
A Warlock - according the visual guide - are magical practitioners that seek to understand darker magics, among other fel-based and destructive spells. While many warlocks willingly follow the Burning Legion, there are those who work against it, using their magic to fight against evil.
Legion class preview even states, though they often pledge themselves to the service of noble causes and are not innately evil, their desire to understand darker magics and exercise unwavering command over demonic forces breeds mistrust among even their closest allies.
According the WoW game guide: In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts.
The ritual of Lightforging reinforces a draenei’s mind, body, and soul with the power of the light - so you are strong both mentally, spiritually and phisically. You have an extra layer of deffense of the Fel’s corrosive effect (you can sey, the Light already claimed you, and a jelous Force it is, guards what it have…)
During the trials you faced your inner demons, fears and weaknesses… and conquered them! Any weakness a Demon could exploit are gone! And you already - arguably - insane enough to be in a Cult. Yes. It is a cult mooooom.
The Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies!
The Light seeks to rule, dominate, “guide” and uphold Order and Law and Justice - things that are not really defined by any universal principle, but the individual - thats why “evil” fanatics, Crimsons and so on, even one of Kel’Thuzad’s Horseman are capable to utilize it and no divine punshiment comes down to strip of their power.
What is the ultimate form of domintion and punsihment in the case of the Demons if not Demonology and the art of the Warlocks?

“By divinie right I command thu , vile creature to fight and die in the name of the Light and for me! Again… again… and again! Even Death will not save you from the wrath and the judgment of the Lightforged! By my sanctified blood I will seal our deal, our pact will be your chain and you will kill your own despicable kind because the Light… and ME wills it! OBEY!”

See above
Similar but painfull and different situation
Just becasue you died, you not suddenly forgot how to be a Paladin, wear plate use big swords or hammer or follow the Teachings
Even the Light can and probably will answer you if you are devoted enough

Gilneans have long tradition in the form of “Harvest Witches”, or the Kul Tirans (who were Gilenan settlers) with the Thornspeakers
Cenarius wasn’t that picky to begin withto teach druidism to anyone he crossed be it mutated Trolls or Tauren ancestors
It is basically nature magic, nothing fancy
(The Celtic peoples say hi, by the way)

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ye but why can’t I be a pandaren demon hunter? OR vulpera demon hunter?