Sooo.... why?

3 Weeks ago we cleared +11 in time, quite easy with ilvl <380, with barely any knowledge or practice.
Now people want 385+ for +6 keys? I asked it earlier, I’ll ask it again: What’s wrong with you PvE guys?


Easy run
Logic and reason have no place in WoW or in that mentality, nor in the CE and 400+ Ilvl for Normal
But you know the drill:
Make your own group
My Group, My Key, MY rules
Or keep searching until you find a sane group - there are many fish in the sea


It’s simple, why would anyone pick a dude with 360 ilvl when there another one with 380…


True… i was instant kicked from a group on my BDK with 360 ilvl when a higher tank wanted to join. And it’s fine, people want smoother runs possible. But tbf: it’s very easy to get a group no matter what role you want to play.

I tell you whats wrong with that kind of people. They suck at the game. They need overgeared people with high dps and knowledge what they are doing, so that they could be carried themselves. Thats the reason.


Because 385 is very low itlv.

Also you know all those threads about people leaving keys ? Ye those who ask for high itlv hav less chance that key will fail.

This is exactly what we did with a friend of mine, his new shadowpriest. We can still do a +15 in time (+2) lmao :joy: While he barely gets any invite in a +4. The issue with the own group is that you simply lack the right key at some point, which is why we ended up doing +15 even tho he doesn’t need anything from there.

Now that’s the issue, it’s not simple. I just was with some guys in a group. We had around 15 guys in queue, for +6 court and tons of them were 380 ilvl. That was not enough for him. Took us 15 min in queue until I could convince him how easy the dungeon is. It’s beyond insane.

My 386 ilvl hunter does 35-40k overall dps (depends on tank pulls and dungeon, in academy way more of course) completely unbuffed. You can easily do +15 with that unless the group has absolutely no idea how thundering works.

The key-trade at the end of the dungeon is a solution
But only to a point
I see the problem, of course, in it, but I guess they need this “gate” or everyone just would run their favorites :thinking:

You can’t do that after doing your own key in time.

But if you want, you can make in non-timed just to trade - seen such groups - untimed, chill ,etc
Sure, not ideal
But a little hope

To be fair PvP guys are just as unreasonable asking for rating in groups for things. This is a player thing, not a PvP or PvE thing.

It was the same with M0, the first week it was everyone freshly dinged going in with no gear and then the next week people had ilvl requirements starting to pop up.


I don’t do Mithic keys, however I think it’s the law of offer/demand. When people were gearing up, every one was welcomed.
Now that everyone is getting better gear, people start getting picky.

For example you have an epic item that you want to sell in trade chat.
Customer A offers 995g which is what you requested.
Customer B comes after but with 9995g.
Would you refuse ?


Nothing can be done about it really when pugging; I explicitly have to run my own key now and swap it at the end of runs and downgrade it from the guy in Valdrakken if needs be.
I could get into other groups in the beginning but now constant rejections which I assume is ilvl related and people wanting more.

Why not? If I busted my a$$ to get to a specific item level I may as well search for high geared people to have easier run no matter of what m+ level I will do.

Simple… 3 weeks ago, the people that did +11s were the above average players… they’ve moved to higher keys.

The people that now do 6s and 11s ect are most likely the people that couldnt do it 3 weeks ago… the reason they can now do it is gear. So they believe X ampint of gear is needed to beat Y content. So they also want you to have that amount of gear.

And a few are juat looking for a free carry.

It’s human nature to try and increase your chances of succes for the least effort.
Obviously people are going to pick the more experienced/better geared ones in most cases.

Experienced players with better gear are just the superior pick, they generally know tactics and play better. Do more damage and can take more damage. There is no mathematical reason not to pick them.

Some hosts might have a specific composition in mind, and waiting for the right one to appear.
I do it myself when i host keys, there is nothing personal in a decline or getting removed from a group.

I challenge you to make your own group, pick the lowest rated players out of pity, and watch how much succes you’ll have.

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run ur own keys

Unfortunately many players fit in two categories. First is the maximalist who just wants everything in the most efficient and least time consuming way humanly possible. Second is the one who kinda sucks at the game so he compensates with overgearing.

Well, I’d need to drop the key and do equal level or higher to change it. It’s so much more than just “not ideal” ^^

PvP people ask for rating for a reason. Asking for ilvl way above the requirement while making several people wait for 10+ minutes for absolutely no reason is plain stupid.

No, that’s not true. We did +11 with ilvl 375, now we are playing alts, with higher ilvl and can’t get in groups lmao :joy:

That’s way more than just a few, that’s for sure.

People ask for PvE requirements for exactly the same reason as people do with PvP. It’s the identical problem. Want to start doing RBGs well you don’t have a rating, well get a rating, that’s what I’m here for, but you have no rating. Rinse repeat. Exactly the same issue as why don’t you have curve issue.

As I said before this is a people issue, not a what content you are doing issue.